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Kulturelle Diversität im Spannungsfeld zwischen Globalisierung und (Re-)Nationalisierung

Könighausen & Neumann has published IRTG Diversity-Alumni Viktoria Sophie Lühr's dissertation
Viktoria Sophie Lühr's dissertation has been published by Könighausen & Neumann. Her book "Kulturelle Diversität im Spannungsfeld zwischen Globalisierung und (Re-)Nationalisierung" explores the discourse on cultural diversity in a time of political and social transformation. Against the backdrop of increasing diverscultural openness and counter-movements that emphasized the protection and the unity or homogeneity of their own, she examines how parliaments in France, Germany and Québec addressed the question of whether cultural diversity and national identity can coexist in a social model that fosters cultural diversity while preserving the majority culture.

For more information see: https://verlag.koenigshausen-neumann.de/product/9783826079146-kulturelle-diversitaet-im-spannungsfeld-zwischen-globalisierung-und-re-nationalisierung/
For more information on Viktoria Sophie Lühr and her work see:
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