Dr. Nikolas Schall's Dissertation has been published by transcript. In his book Solidarität als Praxis. Die Verhandlung von Diversität im Weltsozialforum Nikolas Schall explores the question "How is solidarity possible in increasingly diverse societies?" Based on empirical data gathered at the 2016 World Social Forum in Montréal, Nikolas Schall analyzes the arduous, situational practices necessary in transnational activism - particularly between indigenous and non-indigenous activists - to build solidarity against the backdrop of a violent colonial history and unequal power relations. In doing so, Schall demonstrates the extent to which negotiation and productive conflict management are central to the emergence of solidarity relationships.
More information about Dr. Nikolas Schall and his research can be found here: https://www.irtg-diversity.com/index.php?page=people&person=nikolas_schall&id=566