Doctoral Researcher Isis Luxenburger received the prize “Interregionale Forschungsförderung / Soutien interregional à la recherché” of the Greater Region for her ongoing PhD project “Mediating Industrial Culture in the Borderlands of Quebec and the Greater Region: Fictional and Non-fictional Films” within the framework of the IRTG. She will conduct the follow-up dissemination project “Cinédentité,” which will comprise a screening of a series of local industrial films in the four countries of the Greater Region. This project will be realized in the second half of 2022 and reach out to researchers and the broad public alike. The screenings and talks will emphasize the role industrial films on the Greater Region have played in identity-construction and shall foster a common identity within the borderlands of the Greater Region. “Cinédentité” aims at raising awareness for the wealth of industrial films in the Greater Region and encouraging its use in the scientific, public and private sphere. The project will also serve the dissemination of research findings from the PhD project within the geographical space it investigates on the European side of the Atlantic. This dissemination project will continue to build bridges across the Atlantic as well as intra-European borders in the spirit of the IRTG.
The award ceremony took place on November 30, 2021 at 4pm within the scope of the first conference on Research and Higher Education in the Greater Region “Good Fences Make Good Neighbours?” which was hosted by the University of Trier.