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IRTG Members Picks

December 2020
The online-event suggestion for this month comes from the Centre canadien d'études allemandes et européennes and addresses, in particular, our research community's graduate students:

Hosted by the Institute of European Studies (IES) at UC Berkeley and sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) the virtual Roundtable Discussion: Writing and Academic Community During the Pandemic will take place on December 17th, 2020 at 10:00am PST; 13:00 EST; 18:00 GMT; 19:00 CET on Zoom (the link will follow ahead of the event).

Please RSVP by December 15th, 2020 at https://forms.gle/75tqq2ccYurhxMXg8

Covid-19 has upended the experience of being a graduate student in fundamental ways, among them the loss of formal social structures that energize our writing processes and allow us to feel part of a vibrant, intellectual community. How has Covid-19 changed the ways that we think about the practice of writing and engage in dialogue with our colleagues for criticism and support? How can we best weather the trials and tribulations of a virtual and socially-distanced university? What strategies and approaches have proved most useful in developing new writing practices while fostering community and soliciting feedback?
This event is meant to give graduate students working on/in Europe the opportunity to share how Covid-19 has impacted their writing practices and experience of the academic community. In addition, we will exchange ideas and strategies for structuring the writing process and fostering dialogue among colleagues, as we continue to weather the pandemic in the coming months.
Graduate students working on or in European studies from all disciplines are welcome to join, and from any location in the world. We invite participants to briefly share their experiences in order to generate discussion.

For more information, please contact Noah Bender (noah.bender@berkeley.edu), AJ Solovy (ajsolovy@berkeley.edu), or Sloane Nilsen (sloane.nilsen@berkeley.edu).
pdf-file for download
"Writing and Academic Community During the Pandemic"
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