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IRTG Video Clip Project: Temporalities of Diversity / Temporalités de la diversité

Laurence McFalls, Political Science
In what ways are temporality and diversity normative constructs?
What presuppositions about temporality underlie your discipline? Do they shape research and its findings?
In what ways is diversity a temporal construct?
How does diversity entail different time conceptions?
How do different media forms shape sociocultural difference, experiences of time, and/or memory?
How does the current pandemic affect your understanding of time and of diversity?

Answers to these questions and more about "Temporalities of Diversity / Temporalités de la diversité" in the field of Political Science by our speaker Prof. Laurence McFalls, PhD (Science politique, Université de Montréal):

For further information on Laurence McFalls: https://pol.umontreal.ca/repertoire-departement/professeurs/professeur/in/in14153/sg/Laurence%20McFalls/

(Technical support: Mathieu Robinson)
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