Building on the cooperation between the CCÉAE and University of Leipzig, Antje Dietze and Matthias Middell (both SFB 1199, University of Leipzig) will give insights into current research in the fields of transnational history, global studies and transregional studies in Leipzig, with a special emphasis on transatlantic perspectives.
They will also present the newly founded Leipzig Centre Global Dynamics. Going beyond notions of all-encompassing global integration, the centre focuses on the dialectics of global dynamics that stem from a multiplicity of globalization projects by a variety of actors. The theoretical implications will be demonstrated with regard to empirical examples from ongoing research projects.
The event will take place at salle Lothar-Baier, Centre canadien d'études allemandes et européennes, Université de Montréal (3744, rue Jean-Brillant, suite 525). For more information see
For more information on Antje Dietze (Postdoctoral Researcher SFB 1199, University of Leipzig) and her research see
For more information on Matthias Middell (Speaker SFB 1199, University of Leipzig) see
Il s'agit d'un événement trilingue - anglais, français et allemand ; un légér buffet sera offert aux participant.e.s !