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Literary Landscapes and Materialities

Masterclass by Dunja Mohr on September 16 at 10 AM
In this Workshop Dunja Mohr (University of Erfurt) will discuss theoretical excerpts from the philosopher Jane Bennett’s "Vibrant Matter" (2010) in which she explicates her notion of a 'vital materialism' — arguing that all matter is interconnected, processual, and vibrant (alive) — and Donna Haraways "Staying with the Trouble" (2016). If our relationalities, our material entanglements, stretch beyond the human, this in fact necessitates a re-evaluation of our understanding of culture and what it encompasses. Similarly, such views may open up the much-discussed notion of cultural diversity. As an exemplary text, we will look at passages taken from Jeff VanderMeer’s richly metaphorical speculative fiction "Southern Reach" trilogy (2014) and its allegorical celebration of the remixing of all life forms’ materialities in the mysterious Area X, a transformative metaorganism that dilutes subject/object positions and diffuses notions of the self.

The workshop is open to the public and takes place on September 16, 2019 from 10 AM to 12 PM at salle Lothar-Baier, Centre canadien d'études allemandes et européennes, Université de Montréal (3744, rue Jean-Brillant, suite 525)

For more information on Dunja Mohr: https://www.uni-erfurt.de/en/anglistik/britishliterature/mohr/

Dunja Mohr is also presenting her research at the CCÉAE on September 17 at 3 PM, salle Lothar-Baier: "Material Legacies, Multiplicities, and Critical Hope"


Taking its cue from scientific research on human implications in material processes and vice versa, the lecture explores the critical hope that lies in moving towards a perception of the human as a multiplicity and always already symbiotically and inherently entangled and what implications this raises for the ongoing diversity debate. Employing material speculative theory, the talk addresses the very mode of speculation, and its relation to realism, the rise of speculative fiction in the 21st century and its post-anthropocentric narrations of the interconnectivity and interacting of humans, things, and ecosystems.

For more information see https://cceae.umontreal.ca/evenement/dunja-mohr-material-legacies-multiplicities-and-critical-hope/

And at Concordia University on September 16 at 6 PM: "Translating between Humans and Nonhumans" (seminar on Translation Methodology by Sherry Simon).
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