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Lecture de poésie et de prose autrichiennes

Christoph W. Bauer à l'Université d'Ottawa le 20 septembre 2018
Le département des langues et littératures modernes de l'Université d’Ottawa, avec le soutien du Forum culturel de l’Ambassade d’Autriche à Ottawa, et en collaboration avec l'axe de recherche en traduction de l’IRTG Diversity vous invitent à une Lecture de poésie et de prose autrichiennes le 20 septembre 2018 :

14h30 à 15:50, Pavillon Morisset
65, rue Université
Salle 211

L’auteur autrichien Christoph W. Bauer lira de sa poésie et de sa prose en allemand et en français dans le cadre d’une session publique du cours ALG2501 : Culture allemande contemporaine (Angela Bruckel-Lichtenoecker en collaboration avec Joerg Esleben). L’événement inclura des réflexions sur le processus de traduction.

L’événement est gratuit et ouvert à toutes et tous.

Christoph W. Bauer


• Born 1968 in Kolbnitz (Carinthia, Austria)
• Lives and works in Innsbruck (Tyrol, Austria)
• Since the late 1990s CWB has published poetry, prose, drama, radio plays and numerous essays, several texts for children and adolescents, anthologies
• Guest lectureships at the University of Innsbruck (Department of History) since 2012
• Poetics Lecture at the University of Klagenfurt (2013)
• Guest lectureship at the Vienna “Institut für Sprachkunst" (2015/2016)

Publications (selection)

stromern, poetry, Haymon Verlag, 2015
orange sind die äpfel blau, 15 poems, Haymon Verlag, 2015
In einer Bar unter dem Meer, short fiction, Haymon Verlag, 2013
Die Zweite Fremde. Zehn jüdische Lebensbilder, Haymon Verlag, 2013
mein lieben mein hassen mein mittendrin du, poetry, Haymon Verlag, 2011
getaktet in herzstärkender fremde, 14 poems, Haymon Verlag, 2011
Mord in Carnuntum, Jugendbuch, Österreichischer Buchklub der Jugend, Gorilla Bd. 37, 2010
Schweben im Kopf, 25 poems with drawings by Anton Christian, Haymon Verlag, 2010
Der Buchdrucker der Medici, novella, Haymon Verlag, 2009
Graubart Boulevard, Haymon Verlag, 2008
Im Alphabet der Häuser, novel, Haymon Verlag, 2007
Supersonic. logbuch einer reise ins verschwinden, poetry, Edition Korrespondenzen, 2005
Aufstummen, novel, Haymon Verlag, 2004
fontanalia.fragmente, poetry, Haymon Verlag, 2003
die mobilität des wassers müsste man mieten können, poetry, Haymon Verlag, 2001
wege verzweigt, poetry, Haymon Verlag, 1999

Graubart Boulevard (2008)
Christoph W. Bauer's novel starts at the end of the 19th century in Galicia, but mainly concentrates on the Graubart family’s history in Innsbruck. In November 1938, Richard Graubart is murdered in his house in Innsbruck by an SS raiding squad. His family is forced to leave the city, goes to Vienna and finally succeeds to flee Austria.
The text also tells the story of an SS-Hauptsturmführer, the son of a hotelier and skiing instructor, who was amongst the murderers of Richard Graubart and escapes after the break-down of Nazi Germany. In 1959, he returns to Austria and is released after two years in prison.
Based on source documents, letters and archive material, Graubart Boulevard is a literary search for traces telling the stories of perpetrators and, more importantly, victims who have lost everything: their country, their property, their families – and their lives.

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