Prof. em. Dr. Wolfgang Klooß FRSC

Universität Trier FB II - English Department 54296 Trier |
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Wolfgang Klooß has been Chair of English and Canadian Studies at the Universität Trier since 1988 and Director of the interdisciplinary Centre for Canadian Studies at Universität Trier since 1991. In the latter capacity, he initiated a Canadian visiting professorship at Trier and intensified an already existing partnership with the University of Manitoba that includes both student and staff exchange as well as bi-annual interdisciplinary conferences that are hosted by either of the two universities. Most of the conference proceedings have been published in Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Kanada-Studien an der Universität Trier, which was also established by Wolfgang Klooß. He has been a member of the editorial boards of Canadian Literature (1996-2002) and the International Journal for Canadian Studies (1999-2002).
His research, teaching, and publications in the field of Canadian Studies focuses on Métis studies, historical fiction, prairie and west coast writing, multiculturalism in English-Canadian writing and comparative studies in Canadian and US-American literature. Methodologically, most of Wolfgang Klooß’s work is inspired by a cultural studies’ approach to the reading of literature, whereby particular attention is given to the intersections between literature and history. His research informs the research perspectives of RA 1 and 3. He will closely cooperate with Robert Schwartzwald, Ursula Lehmkuhl and Martin Endreß. Wolfgang Klooß has supervised numerous completed exam- and PhD-theses dealing with subjects from these areas. (After the completion of their doctoral studies all PhD students have found employment in university and high school-teaching or in fields such as public relations and research management.) Two of the current dissertations under his supervision deal with transcultural notions in contemporary prairie writing. As a three-time Department Head, President of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries (1997-1999), Vice-Dean (2003-2005) and Dean of the Humanities (2005-2006) as well as Vice-President of Universität Trier (2006-2010) and Chairman of the Foundation for Canadian-Studies (since 2007) Wolfgang Klooß has gained substantial experience in administrative and organizational matters.
His research, teaching, and publications in the field of Canadian Studies focuses on Métis studies, historical fiction, prairie and west coast writing, multiculturalism in English-Canadian writing and comparative studies in Canadian and US-American literature. Methodologically, most of Wolfgang Klooß’s work is inspired by a cultural studies’ approach to the reading of literature, whereby particular attention is given to the intersections between literature and history. His research informs the research perspectives of RA 1 and 3. He will closely cooperate with Robert Schwartzwald, Ursula Lehmkuhl and Martin Endreß. Wolfgang Klooß has supervised numerous completed exam- and PhD-theses dealing with subjects from these areas. (After the completion of their doctoral studies all PhD students have found employment in university and high school-teaching or in fields such as public relations and research management.) Two of the current dissertations under his supervision deal with transcultural notions in contemporary prairie writing. As a three-time Department Head, President of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries (1997-1999), Vice-Dean (2003-2005) and Dean of the Humanities (2005-2006) as well as Vice-President of Universität Trier (2006-2010) and Chairman of the Foundation for Canadian-Studies (since 2007) Wolfgang Klooß has gained substantial experience in administrative and organizational matters.
Academic Career
Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg and Manchester College, Indiana (USA) (English, History and Political Science)
Graduation / Academic Degrees
Habilitation in English (Canadian Studies), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Dr. phil. in English Philology, Philipps-Universität Marburg
1. Staatsexamen in English, History and Political Science, Philipps-Universität Marburg
B.A. in History, Manchester College, Indiana (USA)
Current Position(s)
Chair of English, English Department, Universität Trier
Position(s) Held
Vice President of Universität Trier (research, teaching, international relations, quality management)
Chair of English and North American Literature, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, appointment declined
Relevant (International) Research Experience
Guest Lecturer at Portland State University, Oregon (USA)
Visiting Researcher at the Canadian Studies Institute, University of Ottawa (Canada)
Visiting Professor at Clark University, Massachussetts (USA)
Research Fellow at St. John’s College, University of Manitoba (Canada)
since 2004
Co-editor of Canadiana (a series of studies in English- and French-Canadian Literatures, Peter Lang publishing house, Frankfurt)
since 2004
Co-editor of Trierer Studien zur Literatur (Peter Lang publishing house, Frankfurt)
since 2003
Co-editor of the Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien
Major Research Grants, Scholarships and Awards
Distinguished International Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Governor General’s International Award for Canadian Studies
Grant by Portland State University for Guest Lectures
Canadian Government Grant for a bilateral conference on “Sites of Geopolitical and Memory Projections: Canada and Germany” (Host: Canadian Studies Centre at Trier University
Canadian Government Grant for a bilateral conference on “Multiculturalism and Cultural Diversity in Canadian and Québec Media“ (Hosts: Canadian Studies Centre at Trier University and University of Saarbrücken)
Memberships and other relevant Activities
Vice-President of Universität Trier (research, teaching, international relations, quality management)
since 2007
Chairman of the Foundation for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries
Dean of the Humanities (FB II), Universität Trier
Member of the Senate, Universität Trier
Vice-Dean of the Humanities (FB II), Universität Trier
Member and Chairman (since 2006) of the Research Committee of the Universität Trier
List of Publications
a) Publications in refereed journals and book publications
b) Other publications
"Travelling with Kroetsch: "Motion, Commotion, Emotion ", in: David Staines (ed.), Robert Kroetsch: Essayist, Novelist, Poet (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press), 215-231.
"From Local to Global - Changing Spaces in Canadian Literary and Critical Discourse", in Ursula Lehmkuhl/Elisabeth Tutschek (eds.), 150 Years of Canada: Grappling with Diversity since 1867. Diversity / Diversité / Diversität vol. 5. (Münster/New York: Waxmann), 57-88.
"Flora, Fauna, Monstrous Creatures: Wondrous Discoveries and Scientific Discourse in Early Modern English Travel Writing", in: Yvonne Voelkl and Albert Göschl (eds.), Observations – Beobachtungen zu Literatur und Moral in der Romania und den Amerikas. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Klaus-Dieter Ertler (Münster: Lit Verlag), 281-294.
“From Individual Scholarship to Academic Institution: Canadian Studies in the German-Speaking Countries and Cultural Diplomacy”, in: Stephen Brooks (ed.), Promoting Canadian Studies Abroad: Soft Power & Cultural Diplomacy (Palgrave Macmillan), 2018, 199-223.
(ed.): Wor(l)ds of Trauma: Canadian and German Perspectives. Diversity / Diversité / Diversität 3 (Münster: Waxmann).
"Introduction", in: Klooss, Wolfgang (ed.), Wor(l)ds of Trauma: Canadian and German Perspectives. Diversity / Diversité / Diversität 3 (Münster: Waxmann), 9-10.
"Die Deutschen und Natty Bumppo", in: Stephan Brakensiek (ed.), Impressionismus ohne Farbe: Lovis Corinth - Max Slevogt (Trier: BoD), 9-19.
"From Seven Oaks to Batoche: Métis Resistance in History and Narrative", TransCanadiana: Polish Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue Polonaise d'Études Canadiennes 8, 25-51.
“Margaret Atwood’s Positron/The Heart Goes Last: Surveillance, the Power of the Gaze and the Vigor of Desire”, Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 47:3, 225-241.
(ed.) “Writing Coast and Sea”, Special Issue: Wissenschaft und Unterricht XLIV 2/3.
“’Out of Place’. Clark Blaise, ‘A Class of New Canadians’”, in: Reingard M. Nischik (ed.), The Canadian Short Story. Interpretations (Rochester: Camden House), 233-246.
(ed.) Narratives of Exploration and Discovery – Essays in Honour of Konrad Groß (Trier: WVT).
(co-edited with Konrad Groß and Reingard M. Nischik) Kanadische Literaturgeschichte (Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler).
Geschichte und Mythos in der Literatur Kanadas. Die englischsprachige Métis- und Riel-Rezeption (Heidelberg: Winter).
b) Other publications
"The Canadian West in an Era of Crisis (1919-1935): Historical and Fictional Representations", in: Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien 41, 135-151.
"Auf den Spuren des Goldrauschs: Eine literarische Reise an den Klondike", in: DKG Journal. Magazin der Deutsch-Kanadischen Gesellschaft 2021:1, 48-51.
"Der kanadische Multikulturalismus: Politik und gesellschaftliche Praxis", in: DKG Journal. Magazin der Deutsch-Kanadischen Gesellschaft 2020:4, 3-5.
"Studieren und leben am Red River", in: 360° Kanada 3, 10-11.
“’Métissage’ – Vom Historismus zur indigenen Historiographie: Die kanadischen Métis im Wandel der Geschichtsschreibung“ [’Métissage’ – From Historicism to Indigenous Historiography: The Canadian Métis and Historiographic Discourse], in: Kerstin Knopf (ed.), Indigenous Knowledge and Academic Discourse, Special Issue: Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien 38:1, 136-155.
"Kanada kann man auch studieren!" 360° Kanada 4, 60-61.
“Coast and Beach: Contested Spaces in Cultural and Literary Discourse”, in: Anna Margaretha Horatschek et al. (eds.), Navigating Cultural Spaces: Images of Coast and Sea (Amsterdam: Rodopi), 195-220.
“Writing Coast and Sea: An Introductory Essay”, in: Wolfgang Klooß (ed.), Writing Coast and Sea, Special Issue: Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht XLIV 2/3, 97-109.
“’The Man in the Moon’. Wissenschaft und Utopie im England der frühen Neuzeit“, in: Ulrike Gehring (ed.), Die Welt im Bild: Weltentwürfe in Kunst, Literatur und Wissenschaft seit der frühen Neuzeit (München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag), 117-142.
“Feasting with Falstaff. Luxus und Verschwendung im kulinarischen Diskurs von Shakespeares England”, in: Anja Müller-Wood (ed.), Texting Culture – Culturing Texts. Essays in Honour of Horst Breuer (Trier: WVT), 71-91.
"Narratives of Exploration and Discovery", in: Wolfgang Klooß (ed.), Narratives of Exploration and Discovery – Essays in Honour of Konrad Groß (Trier: WVT), 85-97.
Training of Young Researchers
Dissertations Currently Supervised
Julia Wurr: From Tahrir to Terror: (Neo-)Orientalism in European and North American Fiction since the ‘Arab Spring’ (2011-2016) (since 2016, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Finished Dissertations
(with a Canadian-Studies Content)
Pamela Dube: Contemporary English Performance Poetry in Canada and South Africa: A Comparative Study of the Main Motifs and Poetic Techniques (1996; time to degree: 3 years; current position: Dr. Dube holds a senior position in the Ministry of Education in South Africa)
Susanne Pauly: Madness in English-Canadian Fiction (1999; time to degree: 5 years - Dr. Pauly was fully employed and not associated with the university when she worked on her PhD; current position: full time employee at a road sign production company)
Markus Müller: Disguise and Masquerade in Canadian Literature: The Works of Frederick Philip Grove and Rober Kroetsch (2002; time to degree: 3,5 years; current position: tenured assistant professor, English Department, Universität Trier)
Martin Genetsch: Difference and Identity in Contemporary Anglo-Canadian Fiction: M.G.Vassanji, Neil Bissondath, Rohinton Mistry (2003; time to degree: 3 years; Förderpreis der Universität Trier for best dissertation; current position: Director of the Department of English Didactics, Studienseminar Trier)
Kerstin Dell: The Family Novel in North America from Post-War to Post-Millenium: A Study in Genre (2005; time to degree: 3 years; current position: Manager Communications Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds)
Lutz Schowalter: City Life: Narrations of the Urban Experience in Contemporary American and Canadian Fiction (2006; time to degree: 3,5 years; Förderpreis der Universität Trier for best dissertation; current position: non-tenured assistant professor, English Department, Universität Trier)
Christian Krampe: The Past Is Present: The African-Canadian Experience in Lawrence Hill’s Fiction (Landesgraduiertenförderung Rheinland-Pfalz: dissertation fellowship, 2012; current position: highschool teacher, Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Carolin Gilbaya: ‘Stranger Here and Everywhere’ – Creating Otherness. The Construction of Ethnicity in Renaissance Drama (Stipendienstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz: dissertation fellowship, 2013)
Thomas Schneider: ’Gluttony’- Die Völlerei im literarischen und gesellschaftlichen Diskurs des frühneuzeitlichen England (Stipendienstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz: dissertation fellowship, 2016)
Pamela Dube: Contemporary English Performance Poetry in Canada and South Africa: A Comparative Study of the Main Motifs and Poetic Techniques (1996; time to degree: 3 years; current position: Dr. Dube holds a senior position in the Ministry of Education in South Africa)
Susanne Pauly: Madness in English-Canadian Fiction (1999; time to degree: 5 years - Dr. Pauly was fully employed and not associated with the university when she worked on her PhD; current position: full time employee at a road sign production company)
Markus Müller: Disguise and Masquerade in Canadian Literature: The Works of Frederick Philip Grove and Rober Kroetsch (2002; time to degree: 3,5 years; current position: tenured assistant professor, English Department, Universität Trier)
Martin Genetsch: Difference and Identity in Contemporary Anglo-Canadian Fiction: M.G.Vassanji, Neil Bissondath, Rohinton Mistry (2003; time to degree: 3 years; Förderpreis der Universität Trier for best dissertation; current position: Director of the Department of English Didactics, Studienseminar Trier)
Kerstin Dell: The Family Novel in North America from Post-War to Post-Millenium: A Study in Genre (2005; time to degree: 3 years; current position: Manager Communications Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds)
Lutz Schowalter: City Life: Narrations of the Urban Experience in Contemporary American and Canadian Fiction (2006; time to degree: 3,5 years; Förderpreis der Universität Trier for best dissertation; current position: non-tenured assistant professor, English Department, Universität Trier)
Christian Krampe: The Past Is Present: The African-Canadian Experience in Lawrence Hill’s Fiction (Landesgraduiertenförderung Rheinland-Pfalz: dissertation fellowship, 2012; current position: highschool teacher, Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Carolin Gilbaya: ‘Stranger Here and Everywhere’ – Creating Otherness. The Construction of Ethnicity in Renaissance Drama (Stipendienstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz: dissertation fellowship, 2013)
Thomas Schneider: ’Gluttony’- Die Völlerei im literarischen und gesellschaftlichen Diskurs des frühneuzeitlichen England (Stipendienstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz: dissertation fellowship, 2016)