Prof. Valérie Amiraux, PhD

Université de Montréal Sociology Department Pavillon Lionel-Groulx C. P. 6128, succursale Centre-ville Montréal, Québec Canada, H3C 3J7 |
Phone | +1-514-343 7233 |
Fax | +1-514-343 7078 | | |
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Valérie Amiraux holds the Canada Research Chair for the Study of Religious Pluralism in the Department of Sociology. She holds a PhD in political science and previously studied history and oriental languages. She is a member of the academic advisory board of the CCEAE, and has led research projects on Muslim communities in Germany and France. The research program of her chair, established in 2008, is entitled “Confessional Belonging and Ethnicity: Comparing Muslim Communities in Europe and Canada” and explores interactions between religious majorities and minorities within secularized political regimes. Her work also examines the relations between religious institutions and individuals’ religious practices. Her research program includes projects on “Pluralism and radicalization” as well as methodological reflections on interdisciplinary comparison.
Her most recent research project on political fiction, financed by the SSHRC Insight Program (2015-2018), brings together an international and multidisciplinary team composed of professors, researchers and students gravitating around the Canada Research Chair in Religious Pluralism and the PLURADICAL (FQRSC) group. Based on the theory of the public and publics and driven by an ethnographic perspective, the research focuses on discourse analysis within popular culture.
Valérie Amiraux maintains a vibrant network of research contacts in France, where she completed her graduate studies at the Sorbonne and at Sciences Po in Paris and retains a position as a researcher at the Centre national de recherche scientifique, and in Italy, where she was postdoctoral fellow at the European University Institute in Florence. She regularly collaborates with Daniel Sabbagh (CERI, Paris), Nacira Guénif (Paris-XIII, Villetaneuse), Marwan Mohammad (CMH, ENS) and Olivier Roy (European University Institute, Florence) on questions of religious pluralism in Western societies. These networks have helped her attract postdoctoral fellows to her Canada Research Chair at UdM’s Centre for Ethnic Studies as well as doctoral students in co-tutelle with French universities working with her on themes related to Islam in Europe.
Her most recent research project on political fiction, financed by the SSHRC Insight Program (2015-2018), brings together an international and multidisciplinary team composed of professors, researchers and students gravitating around the Canada Research Chair in Religious Pluralism and the PLURADICAL (FQRSC) group. Based on the theory of the public and publics and driven by an ethnographic perspective, the research focuses on discourse analysis within popular culture.
Valérie Amiraux maintains a vibrant network of research contacts in France, where she completed her graduate studies at the Sorbonne and at Sciences Po in Paris and retains a position as a researcher at the Centre national de recherche scientifique, and in Italy, where she was postdoctoral fellow at the European University Institute in Florence. She regularly collaborates with Daniel Sabbagh (CERI, Paris), Nacira Guénif (Paris-XIII, Villetaneuse), Marwan Mohammad (CMH, ENS) and Olivier Roy (European University Institute, Florence) on questions of religious pluralism in Western societies. These networks have helped her attract postdoctoral fellows to her Canada Research Chair at UdM’s Centre for Ethnic Studies as well as doctoral students in co-tutelle with French universities working with her on themes related to Islam in Europe.
Academic Career
1989 - 1991
Licence, University Paris IV Paris-Sorbonne, History
Graduation / Academic Degrees
PhD in Political Science, Institut d’études politiques de Paris
DEA, Analysis of Contemporary Arab World, Institut d’études politiques de Paris
MA in History, University Paris IV Paris-Sorbonne
Current Position(s)
since 2007
Professor, Department of Sociology, Université de Montréal
Position(s) Held
Invited Professor, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) Urbanisation, Culture, Société, Quebec
Honorary Senior Fellow, Political Science Department, University College London
Visiting Fellow, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence
Research Fellow, Centre Universitaire de Recherches sur l’Action Publique et le Politique (CURAPP), CNRS Paris
1999 - 2004
Sessional, Lecturer in Sociology of International Relations and Security and Regulation of Conflicts, Institut d’études politiques de Paris
1997 - 2000
Fernand Braudel Fellow, European University Institute, Florence
Major Research Grants, Scholarships and Awards
2015 - 2018
Insight Grant, Fictions politiques - analyse des mises en récits fictives de la figure de la menace, de leur réception et de la constitution de publics médiatiques engagés, Co-researcher: Brodeur P. (UdeM); Collaborator: Zaffran M. (McGill/UdeM)
2014 - 2018
FQRSC Grant, Pluralisme et radicalisation : enjeux ethnographiques et juridiques du rapport à l'altérité en contexte pluraliste
SSHRC Grant, L’accessibilité comme condition de la justice spatiale
2011 - 2013
FQRSC Grant, Pluralisme et radicalisation en contexte minoritaire
2010 - 2017
SSHRC Grant, Religious Diversity and its Limits: Moving beyond Tolerance and Accommodation, in cooperation with Lori Beaman
2010 - 2013
SSHRC Gant, Comment la religion devient-elle l’affaire publique des autres?
2010 - 2011
SSHRC Grant, Pluralisme et radicalités religieuses: une comparaison France-Québec
Open Society Institute (Russia), Muslims and Non-Muslims in Europe
SSHRC Grant, Comparer en sciences sociales aujourd’hui: defies, bilans, methods, in cooperation with Olivier Giraud
2007 - 2012
SSHRC Grant, Canada Research Chair, Études du pluralisme religieux et ethnicities
2007 - 2009
DRESS-MIRE (France), Les approches anglo-saxonnes et françaises de la lutte contre les discriminations ethniques, in cooperation with Daniel Sabbagh
Memberships and other relevant Activities
- Canada Research Chair in Religious Pluralism and Ethnicity
- Member of the Centre de recherche en éthique (CRÉ)
- Member of the Centre de recherches en études interdisciplinaires sur Montréal (CRIEM, McGill)
- Member of the Centre Canadien d’Études Allemandes et Européennes (CCEAE)
- Member of the Centre d’Excellence sur l’Union Européenne (CEUE)
- Member of the Centre d'études et de recherches internationales de l'UdeM (CERIUM)
List of Publications
a) Publications in refereed journals and book publications
“Visibility, Transparency and Gossip: How Did the Religion of Some (Muslims) Become the Public Concern of Other?”, Special Issue: Critical Religious Studies 4:1, 37-56.
(co-authored with Francis Desharnais) Salomé et les hommes en noir (Montréal: Bayard Canada).
"Visibilité, transparence et commérage: de quelques conditions de possibilité de l’islamophobie… et de la citoyenneté”, Sociologie 1:5, 81-95.
(co-edited with David Koussens) Trajectoires de la neutralité (Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal).
(co-authored with David Koussens) “From Law to Narratives. Unveiling Contemporary French Secularism”, Recode (Responding to Complex Diversity in Europe and Canada) – Online Working Paper Series 19, 3-15.
(co-edited with Pascale Fournier) “’Illegal’ Covering: Comparative Perspectives on Legal and Social Discourses on Religious Diversity”, Special Issue: Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture 19:6, 689-806.
"The ‘illegal covering’ saga: what's next? Sociological perspectives", Social Identities 19:6, 794-806.
"Crisis and New Challenges? French Republicanism Featuring Multiculturalism", in: Alessandro Silj (ed.), European Multiculturalism Revisited (London: Zed Books), 65-140.
"Discrimination in Comparative Perspective: Policies and Practices", The American Behavioral Scientist 8:1-2, 1691-1714.
“From Empire to Republic, the French Muslim Dilemma”, in Anna Triandafyllidou (ed.), Muslims in 21st Century Europe. Structural and cultural perspectives (London: Routledge), 137-158.
"L’affaire du foulard en France. Retour sur une affaire qui n’en est pas encore une", Sociologie et Sociétés 41:2, 273-298.
"De l’Empire à la République: l’islam comme problème public", Cahiers de recherché sociologique 46, 45-60.
(co-authored with Patrick Simon) “There are no Minorities Here: Cultures of Scholarship and Public Debate on Immigrants and Integration in France”, International Journal of Comparative Sociology 47:3-4, 191-215.
(co-edited with Gerdien Jonker) Politics of Visibilities. Young Muslims European Public Spaces (Bielefeld: transcript).
Acteurs de l'islam entre Allemagne et Turquie. Parcours militants et expériences religieuses (Paris: L'Harmattan).
Training of Young Researchers
Dissertations Currently Supervised
Adrien Jouan: Comparaison des mouvements de défense de étrangers (France, Canada, État-Unis) (since September 2009, date of enrolment in the PhD program)
Zehra Sahin: La question culturelle dans le processus d’accession de la Turquie à l’Union européenne (since September 2009, date of enrolment in the PhD program)
Rosa Maria Tagliente: La laïcité et la gestion du multiculturalisme en Italie et au Canada (since 2012, date of enrolment in the PhD program, since 2013 Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity, Université de Montréal/Sociology, Co-Supervision with Barbara Thériault)
Frédérick Nadeau: Ethnographie de l’extrême-droite au Québec (since 2014, date of enrolment in the PhD program, Co-Supervision INRS/Julie-Anne Boudreau and Université de Montréal/Sociology)
Leslie Kapo: L’intrication des logiques d’action urbaines et des phénomènes de radicalisation et leurs effets sur les jeunes (since 2014, date of enrolment in the PhD program, Co-Supervision INRS/Julie-Anne Boudreau and Université de Montréal/Sociology)
Samuel Blouin: La liberté de conscience versus la liberté de religion (recipient of the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, Université de Montréal, département de sociologie, since 2014, date of enrolment in the PhD program, Co-Tutelle with the département de sciences des religions at Université de Lausanne)
Javiera Araya: L’alchimie de la légalité des migrants: sociographie des bureaucraties américaines (funded by the SSHRC and a grant by the Chilean government, since 2014, date of enrolment in the PhD program)
Arber Fetiu: La littérature dystopique et l’islamomania en Occident.
Zehra Sahin: La question culturelle dans le processus d’accession de la Turquie à l’Union européenne (since September 2009, date of enrolment in the PhD program)
Rosa Maria Tagliente: La laïcité et la gestion du multiculturalisme en Italie et au Canada (since 2012, date of enrolment in the PhD program, since 2013 Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity, Université de Montréal/Sociology, Co-Supervision with Barbara Thériault)
Frédérick Nadeau: Ethnographie de l’extrême-droite au Québec (since 2014, date of enrolment in the PhD program, Co-Supervision INRS/Julie-Anne Boudreau and Université de Montréal/Sociology)
Leslie Kapo: L’intrication des logiques d’action urbaines et des phénomènes de radicalisation et leurs effets sur les jeunes (since 2014, date of enrolment in the PhD program, Co-Supervision INRS/Julie-Anne Boudreau and Université de Montréal/Sociology)
Samuel Blouin: La liberté de conscience versus la liberté de religion (recipient of the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, Université de Montréal, département de sociologie, since 2014, date of enrolment in the PhD program, Co-Tutelle with the département de sciences des religions at Université de Lausanne)
Javiera Araya: L’alchimie de la légalité des migrants: sociographie des bureaucraties américaines (funded by the SSHRC and a grant by the Chilean government, since 2014, date of enrolment in the PhD program)
Arber Fetiu: La littérature dystopique et l’islamomania en Occident.
Finished Dissertations
Émilie Audy: Identités religieuses et périnatalité: une comparaison de la prise en compte de la variable religieuse dans les systèmes de santé français et québécois (Université de Montréal/Sociology, 2016)