Prof. Dr. Ursula Lehmkuhl

Universität Trier Chair of International History FB III - History Department 54286 Trier |
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Ursula Lehmkuhl is an expert in international history and area studies with a special emphasis on North America. She has published widely on issues related to Canadian and American foreign policy, transatlantic relations, and Canadian and American Asian and Pacific policies. Methodologically, her work is informed by and has contributed to the discussion about the “cultural approach to diplomatic history”. In this context she has established new analytical perspectives recognizing the constructed nature of power relations on the domestic and international level. Supported by a Government of Canada research grant, she has published on Canadian efforts to come to terms with the new security challenges in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks, focusing on the political mediation between the domestic policy of multiculturalism and diversity, on the one hand, and the exigencies of Canadian-American security relations, on the other. As director of the Center for Area Studies at Freie Universität Berlin, she contributed to the discussion about the revitalization of Area Studies with contributions focusing on the concepts of transnationalism and transculturalism. As co-director of the Collaborative Research Center “Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood” (SFB 700), she introduced the transfer and translation approach from history and cultural studies into the social science debate about processes of cultural/political appropriation and rejection with its focus on diffusion theory, thus broadening analytical perspectives in the field of research about governance export and governance transfer. Last but not least, she is working empirically on questions of migration and transculturation in the context of a DFG financed project on German Immigrant Letters from the 19th and early 20th century and in the context of Indian-White relations (Settler Imperialism) during the first half of the 19th century in the United States and Australia. Since 2013, she has been lead spokesperson for the International Research Training Group “Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces” and editor of the publication series “Diversity / Diversité / Dversität”, Waxmann Verlag. She will contribute to the IRTG an interdisciplinary expertise in the analysis of diversity combining approaches from political science, history and cultural studies. She has collaborated closely with Laurence McFalls and the Center for German and European Studies at the Université de Montréal since 2007.
As co-director of the Collaborative Research Center “Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood”, Director of the Center for Area Studies and member of the Executive Board of the Graduate School of North American Studies and the International Research Training Group “History and Culture of Metropolises” she has acquired broad administrative expertise in international research collaboration and structured interdisciplinary doctoral education. Moreover, she served as First Vice President (= Deputy President) from 2007 to 2010 and from March to June 2010 as Acting President of Freie Universität, responsible among others for the university’s internationalization strategy. In this capacity, she broadened her administrative expertise in the field of international cooperation acquired during her time as Vice President for Research and International Relations at the University of Erfurt (2000-2002).
Ursula Lehmkuhl is currently supervising five doctoral researchers and four postdoctoral researchers (Habilitationen) as first supervisor. During the last five years, ten of her doctoral students have completed their dissertations successfully. Almost all of them have received positions in academia or in other fields such as science and research management immediately after the completion of their doctoral studies. Ursula Lehmkuhl will bring to the IRTG a network of collaboration in the field of North American Studies, more specifically migration history and the history of international and transnational relations. She cooperates closely with the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota, the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora of Jagiellonian University Krakow, and the University of Innsbruck and Graz in the field of migration history and the history of multi-cultured societies. In addition, she maintains close relations with the German Historical Institutes in Washington D.C., London and Paris. In the field of international and transnational history, she has a long-standing working relationship with the University of Ohio, Temple University, and Harvard University. As a former member of the Martin Buber Society of Fellows, she will contribute the research network she has established in Israel, particularly at Hebrew University Jerusalem.
As co-director of the Collaborative Research Center “Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood”, Director of the Center for Area Studies and member of the Executive Board of the Graduate School of North American Studies and the International Research Training Group “History and Culture of Metropolises” she has acquired broad administrative expertise in international research collaboration and structured interdisciplinary doctoral education. Moreover, she served as First Vice President (= Deputy President) from 2007 to 2010 and from March to June 2010 as Acting President of Freie Universität, responsible among others for the university’s internationalization strategy. In this capacity, she broadened her administrative expertise in the field of international cooperation acquired during her time as Vice President for Research and International Relations at the University of Erfurt (2000-2002).
Ursula Lehmkuhl is currently supervising five doctoral researchers and four postdoctoral researchers (Habilitationen) as first supervisor. During the last five years, ten of her doctoral students have completed their dissertations successfully. Almost all of them have received positions in academia or in other fields such as science and research management immediately after the completion of their doctoral studies. Ursula Lehmkuhl will bring to the IRTG a network of collaboration in the field of North American Studies, more specifically migration history and the history of international and transnational relations. She cooperates closely with the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota, the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora of Jagiellonian University Krakow, and the University of Innsbruck and Graz in the field of migration history and the history of multi-cultured societies. In addition, she maintains close relations with the German Historical Institutes in Washington D.C., London and Paris. In the field of international and transnational history, she has a long-standing working relationship with the University of Ohio, Temple University, and Harvard University. As a former member of the Martin Buber Society of Fellows, she will contribute the research network she has established in Israel, particularly at Hebrew University Jerusalem.
Academic Career
Graduate Studies Ruhr-Universität Bochum and Universität Siegen (History, French and Comparative Literature)
Graduation / Academic Degrees
Habilitation in Political Science, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Dr. phil. in Modern History, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (summa cum laude)
M. A. in History, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (1,0 - first class honors)
Current Position(s)
since 2010
Chair of International History, History Department, Universität Trier
Position(s) Held
Chair of Modern History, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Chair of American History, Universität Erfurt
Professor for International Relations, Universität Konstanz (replacement position)
Assistant Professor for International Relations, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Relevant (International) Research Experience
Fellow, Institute of Advanced Study, Center of Excellence „Cultural Foundations of Social Integration“, University of Konstanz
since 2014
Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Canadian Studies (IJCS), University of Toronto Press, Toronto
Senior Fellow, Martin Buber Society of Fellows, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
President, Association of Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries (GKS)
Vice President, Association of Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries (GKS)
Visiting Researcher at the Center for German and European Studies, UdeM
Member of the Academic Advisory Board, Martin Buber Society of Fellows (Postdoctoral Fellowships)
since 2009
Cooperation with the Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota in the INO-Project: “Immigrant Narratives Online: Letters in International Archives” (Donna Gabbacia)
since 2007
Cooperation with the Center of German and European Studies, UdeM (Laurence McFalls)
Director, Center for Area Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
since 2005
Member of the Board of International Contributing Editors, Journal of American History
Visiting Researcher at the Canadian Studies Institute, University of Ottawa (Canada)
Visiting Professor Columbia University (fall term 2005)
Organization of International Conferences and Workshops
International Conference, “Majorities and Minorities in Cananda and Quebec” (Annual Conference of the Association of Canadian Studies in German‐speaking Countries), Grainau, in cooperation with Beatrice Bagola (PI IRTG Diversity)
"Spaces of Difference: Conflicts and Cohabitation", International Conference of the International Research Training Group "Diversity", Montreal (in cooperation with Laurence McFalls and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink)
"Indigenous Knowledges and Academia", Annual Conference of the Association of Canadian Studies in German-speaking countries, Grainau (in cooperation with Kerstin Knopf)
"Crises and Crisis Management in American History", Annual Meeting of the Historians of the German Association of American Studies (in cooperation with Wilfried Mausbach)
Panel: "Digitizing Immigrant and Homeland Letters: Problems and Opportunities", Annual Conference Social Science History Association, Boston
"Provincializing the United States: Colonialism, Decolonization and Post-Colonialism", Annual Meeting of the Historians of the German Association of American Studies (in cooperation with Norbert Finzsch)
"Immigrant Letters: Current Research Topics and Methodological Challenges", International Conference in cooperation with the German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
International Conference, "Transculturalisms" (Annual meeting of the Association of Canadian Studies in German-speaking countries) organized in cooperation with Dirk Hoerder
Major Research Grants, Scholarships and Awards
Grant of the Cluster of Excellence “Cultural Integration of Europe”, Universität Konstanz to finance a replacement position
DFG-Conference Grant “Majorities and Minorities in Canada and Quebec” (Annual Conference of the Association of Canadian Studies in German-speaking Countries)
SSHRC Partnership Grant, International Research Training Group “Diversity – Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces” (funded for 7 years)
DFG Grant, International Research Training Group (IRTG) 1864: Diversity – Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces, in cooperation with Prof. Laurence McFalls, Université de Montréal and Prof. Dr. Hand-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Saarland University, funding period 2013-2017 (see: ) (funded for 4,5 years)
DFG Research Grant, research project "Settler Imperialism: Northwest Territories and New South Wales, 1785-1853", in cooperation with Norbert Finzsch, Universität zu Köln
DFG Research Grant, research project A1 "Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit: Beiträge zur Theoriebildung", in cooperation with Thomas Risse, SFB 700 Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood, see: (400.000 €)
DFG Research Grant, research project C4 “Settler Imperialism: Northwest Territories and New South Wales, 1785-1853”, SFB 700 Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood, in cooperation with Norbert Finzsch (960.000 €)
DFG Research Grant, research project “Maritime Räume als mediale Landschaften. Ingenieure, Erfinder und Financiers und die Verkabelung der Welt“, in cooperation with Michaela Hampf, FG 955: Akteure kultureller Globalisierung (300.000 €)
Faculty Research Award, Government of Canada, research project: "Canada's Post 9/11 Homeland Security Policy: An exercise in multilevel governance, private sector involvement and civic engagement"
ERP Grant by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology for research on “Transatlantic Joint Degree Programs” (funded for 3 years) (440.000 €)
DFG Research Grant, research project A1: "Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit: Beiträge zur Theoriebildung", SFB 700 Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood, see: (funded for four years) (400.00 €)
DFG Research Grant, research project B3: "Colonial Governance and Micro Power Techniques in French and British Colonial America, 1680-1760", SFB 700 Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood, see: (funded for four years) (350.00 €)
Memberships and other relevant Activities
since 2015
Vice President of the Academic Advisory Board, Fonds National de la Recherche, Luxemburg
since 2015
Chair of the Evaluation Board, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
since 2014
Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Canadian Studies (IJCS), University of Toronto Press, Toronto
since 2014
Mentor in the Mentoring and Career Development Program of the Equal Opportunity Office, Universität Trier
Panel Member for SH6 ‐ The Study of the Human Past in the ERC Advanced Grant evaluation
since 2011
Member of the Executive Board, Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliches Forschungszentrum (HKFZ), Universität Trier
since 2011
Member of the Steering Committee, Research Center Europe (Forschungszentrum Europa, FZE), Universität Trier
since 2009
Associated Member of the IRTG “EntreEspacios”, Freie Universität Berlin
since 2008
Member of the Berlin School of Transnational Studies (Graduate School financed by the Thyssen and Hertie Foundations)
since 2006
Mentor for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in the PROFIL program, Berlin and the Cusanus Werk
Member of the Executive Board, Graduate School for North American Studies, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin (financed by the Excellence Initiative)
Co-Director Collaborative Research Center SFB 700 “Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood”, Freie Universität Berlin
Shortlisted for the position of Director of the Max Planck Institute for History, Göttingen with a research program on “Transculturalism”
since 2004
Member of the "Mitgliederversammlung", Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (German Merit Organisation)
Spokesperson Freie Universität of the Transatlantic Graduate School “History and Culture of Metropolises” (Freie Universität, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Columbia University, NYU)
Coordinator of the Research Cluster “Transculturality” at Freie Universität Berlin
List of Publications
a) Publications in refereed journals and book publications
b) Other publications
(co-edited with Elisabeth Tutschek) 150 Years of Canada: Grappling with Diversity since 1867 (Münster: Waxmann Verlag).
"Celebrating First of July: Political Identity Construction and Multi-Cultural Memories in a Postnational State", in: Ursula Lehmkuhl/Elisabeth Tutschek (eds.), 150 Years of Canada: Grappling with Diversity since 1867 (Münster: Waxmann Verlag), 19-36.
"Das Genre 'Auswandererbrief'", in: Eve-Marie Becker/Isabel Marie Schlinzig/Jörg Schuster/Jochen Strobel (eds.), De Gruyter-Handbuch Brief, 2 Vols. (Berlin: De Gruyter), 639-653.
"Internationale Ver- und Entriegelungsprozesse im »American Century«. Die 1970er Jahre als Epochenschwelle in den internationalen Beziehungen?", in: Christian Marx/Morten Reitmayer (eds.), Die Offene Moderne. Gesellschaften im 20. Jahrhundert (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), 362-385.
(ed.) Länderbericht Kanada (Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung).
"Das Dilemma der Gleichheit", Themen Thesen Texte: Magazin des Exzellenzclusters „Kulturelle Grundlagen der Integration 05/16, 18-21.
"Paradoxes of Resistance and Resilience: The Pitfalls of Métis Renaissance since the 1970s", in: Weronika Suchacka et al. (eds.), Canadian Sites of Resistance: Solidarity - Struggle - Change (?), Special Issue: TransCanadiana: Polish Journal of Canadian Studies 8.
(co-edited with Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink and Laurence McFalls) Spaces of Difference: Conflicts and Cohabitation (Münster: Waxmann).
“Good Land – Bad Land: Ecological Knowledge and the Settling of the Old Northwest, 1755-1805”, in: Eva Bischoff (ed.), Experiences, Actors, Spaces: Dimensions of Settler Colonialism in Transnational Perspective, Special Issue: Settler Colonial Studies 1, 1-23.
(co-edited with Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink and Laurence McFalls) Of ‘Contact Zones’ and ‘Liminal Spaces’. Mapping the Everyday Life of Cultural Translation (Münster: Waxmann).
(co-edited with Eva Bischoff and Norbert Finzsch) Provincializing the United States: Colonialism, Decolonization, and (Post)Colonial Governance in Transnational Perspective (Heidelberg: Winter).
"Johann Heinrich Carl – The Revolutionary: The History and Collective Memory of a German-American Family, 1852-2004", Studia Migracyjne -Przeglad Polonijny 1.
“Reading Immigrant Letters and Bridging the Micro-Macro Divide”, Studia Migracyjne 40:1, 9-30.
"Heirat und Migration in Auswandererbriefen – Die Bestände der Nordamerika-Briefsammlung", L'Homme – Europäische Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft 1.
"Ambivalenzen der Modernisierung durch Kolonialismus", APuZ 62:44-45.
"Still special? Anglo-American Relations since the End of the Cold War", in: Kai Oppermann (ed.), British Foreign and Security Policy: Historical Legacies and Current Challenges (Augsburg: Wißner Verlag), 13-30.
“Umwelt/Umweltgeschichte”, in: Wilfried Loth/Jost Dülfer (eds.), Dimensionen Internationaler Geschichte (München: Oldenbourg), 233-250.
"Auswandererbriefe als kommunikative Brücken. Wege und Formen der (Selbst-) Verständigung in transatlantischen Netzwerken", Zeitschrift für Mitteldeutsche Familiengeschichte 52:2, 65-84.
(co-edited with Stefan Rinke) Amerika – Amerikas. Zur Geschichte eines Namens von 1507 bis zur Gegenwart (Stuttgart: Hans-Dieter Heinz).
(co-edited with Thomas Risse) Regieren ohne Staat? Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit (Baden-Baden: Nomos).
(co-edited with Hermann Wellenreuther) Historians and Nature: Comparative Approaches to Environmental History (Oxford: Berg Publisher).
(co-edited with Norbert Finzsch) Atlantic Communication: The Media in American and German History from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century (Oxford: Berg Publisher).
b) Other publications
"Forum: Digitales Lehren - Interview mit Ursula Lehmkuhl (Universität Trier)", in: H-Soz-Kult, 01.04.2020,
(co‐authored with Karin Luckey) "Die Internationalisierung der Curricula in den General Studies / Liberal Arts", Zur Internationalisierung der Curricula, Empfehlung der 22. Mitgliederversammlung der HRK, 09/05/2017. []
"Großbritannien zwischen Empire und Europa. Geopolitische Spannungen und wirtschaftspolitische Ambivalenzen in der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit", bpb Dossier: Der Brexit und die britische Sonderrolle in der EU, 10.6.2016 [].
"Großbritannien in den Europäischen Gemeinschaften", bpb Dossier: Der Brexit und die britische Sonderrolle in der EU, 10.6.2016 []
(co-authored with Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink and Laurence McFalls) "The International Research Training Group “Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces”: Research Agenda and Research Objectives", in: Ursula Lehmkuhl et al. (eds.), Of ‚Contact Zones‘ and ‚Liminal Spaces‘. Mapping the Everyday Life of Cultural Translation (Münster: Waxmann), 127-132.
(co-authored with Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink and Laurence McFalls) "An Introduction", in: Ursula Lehmkuhl et al. (eds.), Of ‚Contact Zones‘ and ‚Liminal Spaces‘. Mapping the Everyday Life of Cultural Translation (Münster: Waxmann), 7-28.
"Acadia: A History of Cultural Encounter and Cultural Transfer", in: Ursula Mathis-Moser/Günter Bischof (eds.), Acadians and Cajuns. The Politics and Culture of French Minorities in North America (Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press), 39-54.
"Regieren im kolonialen Amerika: Colonial Governance und koloniale Gouvernementalité in französischen und englischen Siedlungskolonien", in: Ursula Lehmkuhl/Thomas Risse (eds.), Regieren ohne Staat? Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 111-133.
Training of Young Researchers
Dissertations Currently Supervised
Juliane Graf: Crossing Boundaries: German Immigrants to the U.S. Between Transnational Challenge and the Realities of the Everyday, 1865 – 1900 (Graduate School for North American Studies, John F. Kennedy-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin)
Paul Benedikt Glatz: Peaceniks und GIs: US-amerikanische Deserteure, oppositionelle GIs und internationale Protestbewegungen gegen den Vietnamkrieg (Graduate School for North American Studies, John F. Kennedy-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin)
Frauke Brammer: Encounters. The Canadian Armed Forces in Germany, 1951-1993 (since 2009, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Department of History, John F. Kennedy-Institute 2009-2013, Freie Universität Berlin; current position: High School teacher, Hamburg)
Christoph Laugs: Clothing and Identities: The Role of Material Culture for Bonding Mechanisms and Senses of Belonging among Métis at Saint-Boniface, Batoche, and Saskitawak in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century (since 2013, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Rahab Njeri: Black Canada: Construction and Representation of Blackness in Canada 1960-1990 (Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Klemens Wedekind: Impfe und Herrsche: Veterinärmedizin als “tool of empire” im kolonialen Namibia (1894-1929) (Doctoral Fellow HKFZ, Universität Trier, 2012-2014; Doctoral Researcher, History Department, Universität Trier)
Raphael Konietzny: Von Harrisburg nach Yukushima: Kernenergie und ‘Sicherheit’ in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nach dem Boom, 1973-2011 (Doctoral Researcher, History Department, University of Trier)
Lisa Schaub: Politics and Practices of Indigenous Resilience and Self-Assertiveness in the Red River Colony, 1840 to 1880 (since 2016, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Habilitations Currently Supervised
Eva Bischoff: Colonial Violence and Pacifism: Quaker Life and Ideals in Australia, c. 1830-1860 (since 2011, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Chair of International History, Universität Trier)
Michaela Hampf: Empire of Liberty: Die Vereinigten Staaten von der Reconstruction zum Spanisch-Amerikanischen Krieg (Juniorprofessorin Nordamerikanische Geschichte, John F. Kennedy-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin)
Elisabeth Engel: Risks Will Be Taken: Insurance and the Uncertain Beginnings of American Independence (Senior Fellow, German Historical Institute, Washington)
Isabell Heinemann: Familienwerte im Wandel: Debatten über Ehescheidung, Frauenarbeit und Reproduktion in den USA des 20. Jahrhunderts (Juniorprofessorin neuere und Neueste Geschichte, Nachwuchsgruppenleiterin Emmy Noether-Programm of the DFG “Familienwerte im gesellschaftlichen Wandel: die US-amerikanische Familie im 20. Jahrhundert“, Universität Münster)
Paul Benedikt Glatz: Peaceniks und GIs: US-amerikanische Deserteure, oppositionelle GIs und internationale Protestbewegungen gegen den Vietnamkrieg (Graduate School for North American Studies, John F. Kennedy-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin)
Frauke Brammer: Encounters. The Canadian Armed Forces in Germany, 1951-1993 (since 2009, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Department of History, John F. Kennedy-Institute 2009-2013, Freie Universität Berlin; current position: High School teacher, Hamburg)
Christoph Laugs: Clothing and Identities: The Role of Material Culture for Bonding Mechanisms and Senses of Belonging among Métis at Saint-Boniface, Batoche, and Saskitawak in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century (since 2013, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Rahab Njeri: Black Canada: Construction and Representation of Blackness in Canada 1960-1990 (Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Klemens Wedekind: Impfe und Herrsche: Veterinärmedizin als “tool of empire” im kolonialen Namibia (1894-1929) (Doctoral Fellow HKFZ, Universität Trier, 2012-2014; Doctoral Researcher, History Department, Universität Trier)
Raphael Konietzny: Von Harrisburg nach Yukushima: Kernenergie und ‘Sicherheit’ in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nach dem Boom, 1973-2011 (Doctoral Researcher, History Department, University of Trier)
Lisa Schaub: Politics and Practices of Indigenous Resilience and Self-Assertiveness in the Red River Colony, 1840 to 1880 (since 2016, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Habilitations Currently Supervised
Eva Bischoff: Colonial Violence and Pacifism: Quaker Life and Ideals in Australia, c. 1830-1860 (since 2011, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Chair of International History, Universität Trier)
Michaela Hampf: Empire of Liberty: Die Vereinigten Staaten von der Reconstruction zum Spanisch-Amerikanischen Krieg (Juniorprofessorin Nordamerikanische Geschichte, John F. Kennedy-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin)
Elisabeth Engel: Risks Will Be Taken: Insurance and the Uncertain Beginnings of American Independence (Senior Fellow, German Historical Institute, Washington)
Isabell Heinemann: Familienwerte im Wandel: Debatten über Ehescheidung, Frauenarbeit und Reproduktion in den USA des 20. Jahrhunderts (Juniorprofessorin neuere und Neueste Geschichte, Nachwuchsgruppenleiterin Emmy Noether-Programm of the DFG “Familienwerte im gesellschaftlichen Wandel: die US-amerikanische Familie im 20. Jahrhundert“, Universität Münster)
Finished Dissertations
Stefanie Schneider: 'Dame Britannia' and 'Uncle Sam' - Eine vergleichende Strukturanalyse von Auto- und Heterostereotypen in der britischen und amerikanischen Bildsatire, 1841-1914 (Projekt: Constructing Uncle Sam) (November 2002)
Cordula Meyer-Mahnkopf: Interdependenzen zwischen der Desegregationspolitik in den USA und der amerikanischen Informationspolitik im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum, 1947-1955 (April 2008)
Simon Koschut: Die Grenzen der Zusammenarbeit. Sicherheit und transatlantische Identität nach dem Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts (March 2009)
Pe-Ru Tsen: The Global Knowledge Space of Financial Markets (Transatlantisches Graduiertenkolleg "Geschichte und Kultur der Metropolen") (September 2009)
Marion Stange: Governance of Health – Disease Control and Health Policy in Colonial South Carolina and Louisiana, 1720-1763 (December 2009)
Dominik Nagl: Governance und Devianz im kolonialen Nordamerika – Kriminalitätsbekämpfung, Armenfürsorge und Sklaverei als Mechanismen der Sozialdisziplinierung (February 2011; current position: Akademischer Rat, Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, Universität Mannheim)
Jasper Trautsch: Inventing America – U.S. Foreign Policy and the Formation of National Identity, 1789-1815 (Graduate School for North American Studies, John F. Kennedy-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, July 2011; current position: Juniorprofessor Nordamerikanische Geschichte, John F. Kennedy-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin)
Javad Asgharirad: US Public Diplomacy towards Iran since September 11, 2001 (Graduate School for North American Studies, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, June 2012; current position: staff member at the Foreign Ministry of Iran)
Huang Dong: Institutionalization of EU-US security relations (Doctoral Fellowship, China Scholarship Council, September 2013; current position: Postdoc for Political Science at the School of Political Science and Public Administration, Shandong University)
Marlen Lux: Diverging Paths: Samuel Northrup Harper and the Divisive Influence of the Bolshevik Revolution on American Liberalism, 1917-1922 (Graduate School for North American Studies, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, September 2013; current position: Assistant Professor American History, University of Chicago)
Hooshang Nayebi: Reproduction of Enemy Images in US-Iranian Relations (1997-2001), (Graduate School for North American Studies, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, September 2013; current position: freelance policy advisor, for political reasons he cannot return to his home country, Iran)
Sonja Schillings: Hostis Humani Generis and the Narrative Construction of Legitimate Violence (Graduate School for North American Studies, John F. Kennedy-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, February 2014; current position: Academic Coordinator, International Graduate Center for the Study of Culture, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
Hanno Scheerer: Settlers, Surveyors, Speculators: Settler Imperialism in Ohio's Virginia Military District (Research Assistant, DFG-Project on Settler imperialism, June 2014, awarded with the dissertation prize of the Universität Trier; current position: Wissenschaftlicher Referent, Stabsstelle Strategie und Entwicklung, LMU München)
Justin Just: Privatisierung in den amerikanischen und deutschen Streitkräften. Hintergrund, Rahmenbedingungen und Erfahrungen in Heimatbetrieb und Einsatz (February 2015; current position: Wissenschaftlicher Referent, Bundesverteidigungsministerium)
Mark Müller: Die surreale Stadt. Sinnwelten der Moderne zwischen Phantasmagorie und Wirklichkeit. Eine Mikrosoziologie der Vernatürlichung urbaner Lebenswelten (Transatlantic Research Training Group “History and Culture of Metropolises”, April 2015; current position: unknown)
Academic Career of Former Research Assistants (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/ Wissenschaftliche Assistenten)
Frank Schumacher (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, Universität Erfurt, 1999‐2004, current position: Canada Research Chair in North American History, Department of History, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada)
Andreas Etges (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, John F. Kennedy‐Institut, Fu Berlin, 2002‐2010, current position: Akademischer Rat, Amerika‐Institut, LMU München)
Wilfried Mausbach (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, John F. Kennedy‐Institut, FU Berlin, 2002‐2004, current position: Academic Coordinator Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Universität Heidelberg)
Petra Dolata (Wissenschaftliche Assistentin, John F. Kennedy‐Institut, FU Berlin, 2003‐2008, current position: Canada Research Chair in Energy History, History Department, University of Calgary, Canada)
Volker Depkat (Oberassistent, John F. Kennedy‐Institut, FU Berlin, 2004‐2008, current position: Professor for American Studies, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Regensburg)
Dominik Nagl (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Teilprojekt B3, SFB 700 „Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit“, FU Berlin, 2006‐2010, current position: Akademischer Rat, Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte der Universität Mannheim)
Cordula Meyer-Mahnkopf: Interdependenzen zwischen der Desegregationspolitik in den USA und der amerikanischen Informationspolitik im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum, 1947-1955 (April 2008)
Simon Koschut: Die Grenzen der Zusammenarbeit. Sicherheit und transatlantische Identität nach dem Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts (March 2009)
Pe-Ru Tsen: The Global Knowledge Space of Financial Markets (Transatlantisches Graduiertenkolleg "Geschichte und Kultur der Metropolen") (September 2009)
Marion Stange: Governance of Health – Disease Control and Health Policy in Colonial South Carolina and Louisiana, 1720-1763 (December 2009)
Dominik Nagl: Governance und Devianz im kolonialen Nordamerika – Kriminalitätsbekämpfung, Armenfürsorge und Sklaverei als Mechanismen der Sozialdisziplinierung (February 2011; current position: Akademischer Rat, Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, Universität Mannheim)
Jasper Trautsch: Inventing America – U.S. Foreign Policy and the Formation of National Identity, 1789-1815 (Graduate School for North American Studies, John F. Kennedy-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, July 2011; current position: Juniorprofessor Nordamerikanische Geschichte, John F. Kennedy-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin)
Javad Asgharirad: US Public Diplomacy towards Iran since September 11, 2001 (Graduate School for North American Studies, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, June 2012; current position: staff member at the Foreign Ministry of Iran)
Huang Dong: Institutionalization of EU-US security relations (Doctoral Fellowship, China Scholarship Council, September 2013; current position: Postdoc for Political Science at the School of Political Science and Public Administration, Shandong University)
Marlen Lux: Diverging Paths: Samuel Northrup Harper and the Divisive Influence of the Bolshevik Revolution on American Liberalism, 1917-1922 (Graduate School for North American Studies, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, September 2013; current position: Assistant Professor American History, University of Chicago)
Hooshang Nayebi: Reproduction of Enemy Images in US-Iranian Relations (1997-2001), (Graduate School for North American Studies, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, September 2013; current position: freelance policy advisor, for political reasons he cannot return to his home country, Iran)
Sonja Schillings: Hostis Humani Generis and the Narrative Construction of Legitimate Violence (Graduate School for North American Studies, John F. Kennedy-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, February 2014; current position: Academic Coordinator, International Graduate Center for the Study of Culture, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
Hanno Scheerer: Settlers, Surveyors, Speculators: Settler Imperialism in Ohio's Virginia Military District (Research Assistant, DFG-Project on Settler imperialism, June 2014, awarded with the dissertation prize of the Universität Trier; current position: Wissenschaftlicher Referent, Stabsstelle Strategie und Entwicklung, LMU München)
Justin Just: Privatisierung in den amerikanischen und deutschen Streitkräften. Hintergrund, Rahmenbedingungen und Erfahrungen in Heimatbetrieb und Einsatz (February 2015; current position: Wissenschaftlicher Referent, Bundesverteidigungsministerium)
Mark Müller: Die surreale Stadt. Sinnwelten der Moderne zwischen Phantasmagorie und Wirklichkeit. Eine Mikrosoziologie der Vernatürlichung urbaner Lebenswelten (Transatlantic Research Training Group “History and Culture of Metropolises”, April 2015; current position: unknown)
Academic Career of Former Research Assistants (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/ Wissenschaftliche Assistenten)
Frank Schumacher (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, Universität Erfurt, 1999‐2004, current position: Canada Research Chair in North American History, Department of History, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada)
Andreas Etges (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, John F. Kennedy‐Institut, Fu Berlin, 2002‐2010, current position: Akademischer Rat, Amerika‐Institut, LMU München)
Wilfried Mausbach (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, John F. Kennedy‐Institut, FU Berlin, 2002‐2004, current position: Academic Coordinator Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Universität Heidelberg)
Petra Dolata (Wissenschaftliche Assistentin, John F. Kennedy‐Institut, FU Berlin, 2003‐2008, current position: Canada Research Chair in Energy History, History Department, University of Calgary, Canada)
Volker Depkat (Oberassistent, John F. Kennedy‐Institut, FU Berlin, 2004‐2008, current position: Professor for American Studies, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Regensburg)
Dominik Nagl (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Teilprojekt B3, SFB 700 „Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit“, FU Berlin, 2006‐2010, current position: Akademischer Rat, Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte der Universität Mannheim)