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Prof. Dr. Ralf Hertel

Prof. Dr. Ralf Hertel
Universität Trier
Anglistische Literaturwissenschaft
FB II ‐ Anglistik
54286 Trier
Phone +49 651 201-2291
Fax +49 651 201-3928
E-Mail hertel@uni-trier.de
Homepage https://www.uni-trier.de/index.php?id=60249
Ralf Hertel’s research interests include intercultural encounters (in literature) from the Early Modern Age until today, sensuousness in literature, Anglo‐Asian relations in literature through the ages, and
Asian Canadian literature and culture. With his knowledge about cultural encounters and their mediation from the time of Shakespeare onwards, he brings historical depth to the exploration of diversity and difference, which makes him a perfect fit for the IRTG Diversity. His focus on Asian Canadian literature and culture widens the scope of the IRTG Diversity’s inventory of expertise about Canada, adding a perspective that is central for Western Canadian culture and society in particular. As a former freelance writer for the Feuilleton of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, and as the supervisor of the same paper’s “SZ‐Bibliothek” (an edited collection of 100 20th century novels) and of the “SZKrimibibliothek” (an edited collection of 50 detective novels), he also brings to the IRTG Diversity a unique expertise on writing for non‐academic, yet educated audiences. His knowledge of and
connections to the world of journalism will open valuable windows for the IRTG Diversity’s PhD students.

Academic Career


Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, Freie Universität Berlin (Comparative Literature, English, and German)
Erasmus Exchange Student, University of Edinburgh

Graduation / Academic Degrees

Habilitation in English Literature, Universität Hamburg
Dr. phil. in English Literature, Freie Universität Berlin, Research Training Group “Körperinszenierungen”
Magister Degree in Comparative Literature, English, and German, Freie Universität Berlin

Current Position(s)

since 2015
Professor of English Literature, Universität Trier

Position(s) Held

Junior Professor for English Literature (W1), Universität Hamburg
Post‐Doctoral Researcher, SFB “Kulturen des Performativen”, Freie Universität Berlin, Projekt “Staging England: Performing Early Modern National Identity“
Doctoral Researcher, Freie Universität Berlin, Research Training Group “Körperinszenierungen”

Relevant (International) Research Experience

Research Fellow at the Academia Sinica, Taipeh, Taiwan
2012, 2013
Visiting Professor at the National Taiwan University Taipeh
Research in Wales and London (supported by the SFB “Kulturen des Performativen”)
Research in London and Edinburgh (supported by the DAAD)
Research in the British Library (supported by the RTG “Körperinszenierungen”)

Major Research Grants, Scholarships and Awards

External funding received for a DAAD guest professorship (Prof. Michael Keevak,Taipei)
External funding received for a guest lecture (Prof. David Malcolm, Gdánsk), Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung
Completion Scholarship, Ditze‐Stiftung, for Tina Block

Memberships and other relevant Activities

since 2017
Director of the Center for Canadian Studies (ZKS), Universität Trier
since 2017
Member of the Center for Pacific-East Asian Studies (ZOPS), Universität Trier
Co‐Editor of the Book Review Section, Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare Gesellschaft
since 2015
Member of the Research Center for Historical Cultural Studies Trier (HKFZ), Universität Trier
since 2015
Co‐Editor of the Book Review Section, Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare Gesellschaft
since 2015
Editorial Board Member, Publication Series “between.pomiędzy” (General Editor David Malcolm)
since 2015
Reviewer for the Publishing House Ashgate, Farnham
since 2012
Reviewer for the Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare‐Gesellschaft
since 2010
Associated Member of the Research Association “Staging History, Syddansk Universitet Odense, Denmark
Member of the Research Association “The Early Modern World“, Universität Hamburg
Member of the Network of Junior Professors, Universität Hamburg
Advisor for Students of English, Universität Hamburg
up to 2009
Member of the Research Association “In medias res: British‐Italian Cultural Transactions“ (in cooperation with the Universities of Leicester, Pisa, Malta, Paris)
Member of the Interdisciplinary Research Group “Kontaktzonen” (SFB “Kulturen des Performativen“, Freie Universität Berlin)
Editor of the literary magazine “anglista.de”
Member of the Interdisciplinary Research Group “Subjekt, Verkörperung, Macht“ (SFB “Kulturen des Performativen“, Freie Universität Berlin)
Freelance Writer, Feuilleton, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Supervisor of the Süddeutsche Zeitung’s “SZ‐Bibliothek” and of the “SZKrimibibliothek”
Member of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes

List of Publications

a) Publications in refereed journals and book publications
(co-authored with Peter Hühn) English Poetry in Context: From the Early Modern Period to the Present (Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, in print).
(co-edited with Eva-Maria Windberger) Empowering Contemporary Fiction in English: The Impact of Empowerment in Literary Studies (Boston: Brill).
(co-authored with Eva-Maria Windberger) "Empowering Contemporary Fiction”, in: Ralf Hertel/Eva-Maria Windberger (eds.), Empowering Contemporary Fiction (Boston: Brill).
"Xiaolu Guo’s Empowering Fictions”, in: Ralf Hertel/Eva-Maria Windberger (eds.), Empowering Contemporary Fiction (Boston: Brill).
"John Agard”, in: Wolfgang Görtschacher/David Malcolm (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to British and Irish Poetry, 1960-2010 (London: Wiley Blackwell).
"W.H. Auden: Journey to a War (1939)”, in: Barbara Schaff (ed.), Handbook of British Travel Writing (Berlin: De Gruyter).
赫特尔 (Ralf Hertel): ‘文本中的耳朵: 约翰·伯杰的《到婚礼去》‘, in: 约翰·伯格: 到婚礼去. (Chinese edition of John Berger, To the Wedding. Trans. Silvano Zheng. Beijing: Imaginist) 237-68. [Chinese translation of "The Ear in the Text: John Berger’s To the Wedding (1995)" from Making Sense: Sense Perception in the British Novel of the 1980s and 1990s (Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, 2005).]
"England and Its Others”, in: Handbook of English Renaissance Literature (ed.), Ingo Berensmeyer (Boston: De Gryuter).
(co-edited with Christian Soffel) People and Cultures in Motion: Environment, Space and the Humanities (Taipeh: Chengda University Press).
(co-edited with Michael Keevak) Early Encounters between East Asia and Europe: Telling Failures (New York: Routledge).
(co-edited with Christian Soffel) People and Cultures in Motion: Environment, Space and the Humanities. Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Conference (Taipeh: National Chengchi University).
(co-edited with Stephan Laqué) "Bücherschau", in: Sabine Schülting (ed.), Shakespeare Jahrbuch 2017 (Bochum: Kamp).
"Au Dung und Y Hsiao Wu Looking for China: Strategies of Unwriting Space in W. H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood’s Journey to a War (1939) ", in: Ralf Hertel/ Christian Soffel (eds.), People and Cultures in Motion: Environment, Space and the Humanities. Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Conference (Taipei: National Chengchi University), 51-58.
"Faking It: The Invention of East Asia in Early Modern England", in: Ralf Hertel/Michael Keevak (eds.), Early Encounters between East Asia and Europe: Telling Failures (Abingdon: Routledge), 31-49.
"Unwriting Traum, Unwriting Asia: Post-Ethnic Identity in Madeleine Thien’s Certainty", in: Wolfgang Klooss (ed.), Wor(l)ds of Trauma: Canadian and German Perspectives (Münster: Waxmann Verlag), 211-220.
"Tamburlaine: Christopher Marlowes fremder Held", in: Achim Aurnhammer/Barbara Korte (eds.), Fremde Helden auf europäischen Bühnen (1600-1900) (Würzburg: Ergon Verlag), 21-32.
(co-authored with Michael Keevak): "Introduction: Telling Failures – Early Encounters between East Asia and Europe", in: Ralf Hertel/Michael Keevak (eds.), Early Encounters between East Asia and Europe: Telling Failures (Abingdon: Routledge), 1-9.
(co‐edited with David Malcolm) On John Berger: Telling Stories (Amsterdam: Rodopi).
“The Senses in Literature: From the Modernist Shock of Sensation to Postcolonial and Virtual Voices“, in: David Howes (ed.), A Cultural History of the Senses in the Modern Age, 1920‐2000, (London: Bloomsbury), 173‐194.
Staging England in the Elizabethan History Play: Performing National Identity (Farnham: Ashgate).
(co‐edited with Sabine Schülting and Sabine Lucia Müller) Early Modern Encounters with the Islamic East: Cultures at Play (Farnham: Ashgate).
“Ousting the Ottomans: The Double Vision of the East in The Travels of the Three English Brothers (1607)”, in: Sabine Schülting/Sabine Lucia Müller/Ralf Hertel (eds.), Early Modern Encounters with the Islamic East: Cultures at Play (Farnham: Ashgate), 135‐152.
“Turkish Brags and Winning Words: Solo Performances in Christopher Marlowe’s Tamburlaine the Great”, in: Ute Berns (ed.), Solo Performances. Staging the Early Modern Self in England (Amsterdam: Rodopi), 249‐268.
(co‐edited with Manfred Pfister) Performing National Identity: Anglo‐Italian Cultural Transactions (Amsterdam: Rodopi).
“’Mine Italian Brain ’gan in your Duller Britain Operate Most Vilely’ – Cymbeline and the Deconstruction of Anglo‐Italian Differences”, in: Ralf Hertel/Manfred Pfister (eds.), Performing National Identity: Anglo‐Italian Cultural Transactions (Amsterdam: Rodopi), 45‐62.
Making Sense: Sense Perception in the British Novel of the 1980s and 1990s (Amsterdam: Rodopi).

b) Other publications
"Paul Innes: Shakespeare’s Roman Plays ", in: Sabine Schülting (ed.), Shakespeare Jahrbuch 2017 (Bochum: Kamp), 256-257.
"Writing China across the Globe: Xiaolu Guo in Conversation with Ralf Hertel", in: Ute Berns/Jolene Mathieson (eds.), Anglistentag 2016 in Hamburg: Proceedings (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier).
“Postkoloniales Gelächter: Zur Erfahrung der Inkongruenz in Zadie Smiths White Teeth“, in: Johann N. Schmidt/Felix Sprang/Roland Weidle (eds.), Wer lacht, zeigt Zähne: Spielarten des Komischen (Trier: WVT), 259‐266.

Training of Young Researchers

Dissertations Currently Supervised

Marquardt, Barbara: The Role of Language in Contemporary Asian British Novel (since 2020).

Thiesen, Diana: Transculturalism in Contemporary Asian Canadian Literature (since 2017)

Windberger, Eva‐Maria: Power and Empowerment in the Fiction of David Mitchell (2015-2020)

Finished Dissertations

mentoring: Wurr, Julia: From Tahrir to Terror: (Neo-)Orientalism in European and North American Fiction since the ‘Arab Spring’ (2011-2016) (2017-2019)
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