Prof. Michèle Dagenais, PhD
Université de Montréal History Department C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-Ville Montréal, Québec Canada, H3C 3J7 |
Phone | +1-514-343 6111 |
Fax | +1-514-343 2483 | | |
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Michèle Dagenais is professor of history, specialized in the urban and political history of Québec and Canada. She has worked on the various forms of power relations in cities for the last fifteen years. Her particular interest is in the construction process of urban space by seeking to clarify how it involves specific articulations between the environment and social groups, and how nature is put to use and exploited in the development of cities. Her research focuses are on Montreal and Toronto. She has also done work on some European cities in a comparative perspective. Michèle Dagenais plays an important role in the IRTG as a specialist of urban governance, public policies, and the construction of urban territories by different ethnic and linguistic groups.
Her focus on materials and infrastructure informs the 2011 published monograph on the transformations of the relation between the island of Montreal and its surrounding water system. Focusing on reconstituting the role of water in successive transformations of urban processes since the beginning of the 19th century led to a more general environmental history of the hydrographic system of the Great Lakes – St.Lawrence River. Michèle Dagenais is also interested in issues linked to historiography and the public uses of history, both on a theoretical and practical level. She has participated in numerous debates and reflections on teaching history. She has supervised or co-supervised six completed PhD dissertations and has supervised over forty completed MA theses. She was the coordinator for Graduate Studies in her department for four years.
Her focus on materials and infrastructure informs the 2011 published monograph on the transformations of the relation between the island of Montreal and its surrounding water system. Focusing on reconstituting the role of water in successive transformations of urban processes since the beginning of the 19th century led to a more general environmental history of the hydrographic system of the Great Lakes – St.Lawrence River. Michèle Dagenais is also interested in issues linked to historiography and the public uses of history, both on a theoretical and practical level. She has participated in numerous debates and reflections on teaching history. She has supervised or co-supervised six completed PhD dissertations and has supervised over forty completed MA theses. She was the coordinator for Graduate Studies in her department for four years.
Academic Career
1979 - 1987
Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, Université de Haute-Bretagne and Université du Québec à Montréal (European History, Canadian History)
Graduation / Academic Degrees
Post-Doctorate in Urban Studies, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) – Urbanisation
PhD in History, Université du Québec à Montréal
MA in Canadian History, Université du Québec à Montréal
1979 - 1982
BA in History, Université de Haute-Bretagne, Rennes, France (European History)
Current Position(s)
since 2000
Full Professor, History Department, Université de Montréal
Position(s) Held
1999 - 2004
Associate Professor, History Department, Université de Montréal
1994 - 1998
Assistant Professor, History Department, Université de Montréal
Relevant (International) Research Experience
Guest Professor, Departement of History, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Guest Professor, Tema Master Degree (European Territories, Identities and Development), Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest
Guest Professor, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Guest Professor, École des Hautes Études en sciences sociales, Paris
Guest Professor, Erasmus Mundus TEMA Master Degree, Charles University of Prague
2007 - 2016
Corresponding Member for North America, European Association of Urban History / Association européenne d’histoire urbaine
2004 - 2018
Member of the International Advisory Board, Urban History (Cambridge University Press)
since 2003
Member of the International Commission for the History of Towns (ICSH/CISH)
Major Research Grants, Scholarships and Awards
CRSH Savoir Commerce impérial et transformations environnementales : la formation des hectares fantômes dans la vallée laurentienne, 1763-1918 (co-chercheure avec Stéphane Castonguay, UQTR; Colin Coates, York University; Jim Clifford, U. of Saskatchewan) (268 530$)
2012 - 2015
SSHRC Grant, Le système Grands Lacs – Saint-Laurent: définitions et représentations, 19e – 20e siècles (75,000$)
2012 - 2013
Institut de recherche en histoire de l’architecture Montréal au fil de ses rivières: lecture cartographique et environnementale de son tissu urbain. Grant from the Institut de recherche en histoire de l’architecture (15 000$). Co-researcher Valérie Mahaut, École d’architecture de l’Université de Montréal
2006 - 2008
SSHRC Grant, Des nuisances à la pollution, 1790-1914: la construction de la notion de pollution et la mise en place des systèmes nationaux de régulation des nuisances environnementales
2003 - 2006
SSHRC Grant, Revoir l’histoire de Montréal à la lumière de son environnement
2002 - 2005
FQRSC Grant, Montréal, de la ville à la métropole: l’apport de la banlieue
1996 - 2000
SSHRC Grant, Institutions politiques, culture et loisirs à Montréal et Toronto, 1880-1940
Memberships and other relevant Activities
2014 - 2017
Member of the Comité des publications du Programme d’aide à l’édition savante (PAÉS) (publications committee of the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program)
2014 - 2017
Member of the conseil d’administration de Histoire Canada/ Canada’s History Society
since 2014
Member of the Centre de recherches interuniversitaires en études montréalaises (CIRM/CRIEM)
2010 - 2020
Member of the Centre interuniversitaire d’études québécoises (CIEQ)
2009 - 2018
Member of the Advisory Board, The Canadian Historical Review
since 2007
Associate Editor, Revue d'histoire urbaine/ Urban History Review
2007 - 2010
Coordinator, comité des publications, Société historique du Canada/ Canadian Historical Association
List of Publications
a) Publications in refereed journals and book publications
b) Other publications
"Revealing the Significance of the Environment : Connecting the Dots in Montreal", in: Environmental History 25, 608-611.
"Montreal in the 20th Century: Trajectories of a City under Strains", in: John Tutino and Martin V. Melosi (eds.), New World Cities. Challenges of Urbanization and Globalization in the Americas (Chapel Hill N.C.: University of North Carolina Press), 169-209.
"Imagining the City", in: Colin M. Coates and Graeme Wynn (eds.), The Nature of Canada (Vancouver: UBC Press), 184-201.
"Gouverner Montréal, gouverner les Montréalais: taxation de l’eau et qualification électorale, 1860-1920", in: Harold Bérubé/Stéphane Savard (eds.), Pouvoir et territoire au Québec depuis 1850 (Québec: Septentrion), 61-89.
(forthcoming) (co-authored with Ken Cruikshank) “Gateways, Island Seas or Boundary Waters?: Historical Conceptions of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River since the Nineteenth Century”, The Canadian Geographer/ Le géographe canadien 60:4.
(co-authored with Christian Laville) “Débats autour de l’histoire scolaire: caractères singuliers, mais enjeu unique”, Bulletin d’histoire politique 22:3, 185-199.
(co-edited with Antonio Da Cunha, Philippe Deboudt, Carlos Vainer and Éric Duchemin) Natures et métropole, VertigO. La revue électronique en sciences de l’environnement 12:2.
(co-edited with Stéphane Castonguay) Metropolitan Natures. Environmental Histories of Montreal (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press).
Montréal et l’eau. Une histoire environnementale (Montréal: Edition Boréal).
(co-edited with Christian Laville) “Histoires disputées, histoires débattues/ Debated Histories, Disputed Histories”, Special Issue: Canadian Diversity / Diversité canadienne 7:1.
Faire et fuir la ville. Espaces publics de culture et de loisirs à Montréal et Toronto aux XIXe et XXe siècles (Sainte-Foy: Presses de l’Université Laval).
(ed.) “Perspectives internationales sur l'histoire urbaine: un aperçu des tendances récentes/ International Perspectives on Urban History: A Review of Recent Trends”, Special Issue: Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine 32:1, 3-71.
(co-edited with Irene Maver and Pierre-Yves Saunier) Municipal Services and Employees in the Modern City: New Historic Approaches (Aldershot: Ashgate).
Des pouvoirs et des hommes: L'administration municipale de Montréal, 1900-1950 (Montréal: McGill-Queens University Press).
b) Other publications
"Book Review of Jacques Lacoursière, Jean Provencher and Denis Vaugeois, Canada-Québec 1534-2015, Québec, éditions du Septentrion, 2015", in : Recherches sociographiques, LVIII, 1 (2017), 195-196.
Training of Young Researchers
Dissertations Currently Supervised
Brintha Koneshachandra: Identity, Race, Class and Space Production: Detroit in the post-civil rights period (1960s – 1990s) (since 2017, History Department, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Finished Dissertations
Gillian Leitch: The Importance of being English? Social Organisation and Ethnic Identity in British Montreal, 1800-1850 (2001-2007)
Joel Belliveau: Les étudiants de l’Université de Moncton et l’entrée dans la modernité avancée des francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick (2002-2008) (assistant professor at Laurentian University, Ontario)
Nicolas Kenny: Forging urban culture: Modernity and corporeal experiences in Montreal and Brussels,1880-1914 (2003-2008) (assistant professor at Simon Fraser University, British-Columbia)
Giacomo Parrinello: The Messina Earthquake of 1908 and the Belice Valley Earthquake of 1968: A comparative study on urbanization, environment and society (Università di Siena, 2011, Co-Supervision with Simone Neri Serneri; current position: Assistant professor at Sciences Po, Paris)
Maude-Emmanuelle Lambert: À travers le pare-brise : la création des territoires touristiques à l’ère de l’automobile (Québec et Ontario, 1920-1967) (2013; current position: Senior editor of l’Encyclopédie canadienne/The Canadian Encyclopedia)
Nari Shelekpayev: Visible Power: Genesis of the Elaboration of Contemporary Capital Cities, 1850-2000 (2013-2019) (Associate Professor at European University at St. Petersburg)
Joel Belliveau: Les étudiants de l’Université de Moncton et l’entrée dans la modernité avancée des francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick (2002-2008) (assistant professor at Laurentian University, Ontario)
Nicolas Kenny: Forging urban culture: Modernity and corporeal experiences in Montreal and Brussels,1880-1914 (2003-2008) (assistant professor at Simon Fraser University, British-Columbia)
Giacomo Parrinello: The Messina Earthquake of 1908 and the Belice Valley Earthquake of 1968: A comparative study on urbanization, environment and society (Università di Siena, 2011, Co-Supervision with Simone Neri Serneri; current position: Assistant professor at Sciences Po, Paris)
Maude-Emmanuelle Lambert: À travers le pare-brise : la création des territoires touristiques à l’ère de l’automobile (Québec et Ontario, 1920-1967) (2013; current position: Senior editor of l’Encyclopédie canadienne/The Canadian Encyclopedia)
Nari Shelekpayev: Visible Power: Genesis of the Elaboration of Contemporary Capital Cities, 1850-2000 (2013-2019) (Associate Professor at European University at St. Petersburg)