Prof. Dr. Michael Schönhuth

Universität Trier Chair of Cultural Anthropology FB IV - Department of Sociology 54286 Trier |
Phone | +49-651-201 2709 |
Fax | +49-651-201 3933 | | |
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Michael Schönhuth is a specialist in the field of anthropologically oriented network analysis. Empirically his research focuses on Africa, India, Russia and the Caucasus. His scholarly interests in migration regimes, development anthropology, and the ethical and socio-cultural dimensions of anthropology together with his strong methodological foundations in the field of network analysis and participatory learning and research approaches complement the analytical, empirical and methodological spectrum represented by the IRTG’s Principal Investigators. He is an internationally renowned expert on Visual Network Analysis. He has established the International Summer-School on Network Analysis and for the last 10 years has served as its Director. As an academic advisor to many development related political institutions and NGOs such as the Goethe Institute, the German UNESCO Commission, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), or the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), for whom he has conducted numerous conceptional and pilot studies on the nexus between culture and development in the design, objectives, and instruments of German development and cultural policy, Michael Schönhuth will contribute significantly to the IRTG’s objective to open-up promising career paths for young researchers outside of academia.
Academic Career
Cultural Anthropology, Sociology and Geography, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Br.
Cultural Anthropology, Sociology and Geography, Universität Basel, Switzerland
Cultural Anthropology and Geography, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Graduation / Academic Degrees
Habilitation in Cultural Anthropology, Universität Trier
Dr. phil in Cultural Anthropology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Br.
Current Position(s)
since 2009
Chair of Anthropology, Sociology Department, Universität Trier
Position(s) Held
Vice speaker of the Research-Cluster Social Networks / Societal Dependencies of the Universities Trier and Mainz
Project Leader at the Research Cluster Societal Dependencies / Social Networks, Universities of Trier and Mainz
2009 –2013
Project Leader at the SFB 600, Universität Trier
Appointment to a full Professorship at the Universität Wien, Austria (offer declined 2009)
Assistant Professor ("Privatdozent") at the Chair of Anthropology, Universität Trier
Assistant Lecturer ("Akad. Rat/BaZ") at the Chair of Anthropology, Universität Trier
Research Associate ("wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter") at the Chair of Anthropology, Universität Trier
Guest Professorship at the Universität Wien, Austria
Free Lance Development Consultant top GTZ, BMZ, World Bank
Academic Head of the Anthropological Department, Universität Kassel
Research Associate ("wissenschaftlicher Volontär") at the Anthropological Museum Freiburg i.Br.
Acting Director in a medium sized business enterprise (Kirchheim/Teck)
Relevant (International) Research Experience
Ghana: Art in Cultural Context: The Life Story of an Asante Gold Weight (Field research)
Ghana: Prospective Field Research – Transcultural Migration and the Family (appointment funds, Universität Trier)
India Training Research Project (teaching grant from Universität Trier)
Burkina Faso: An Opera out of Africa (Field Research grant by the European Research Centre, Trier)
Siberia Field Research with Russian Germans (research grant by SFB 600)
Russia (teaching grant by Center for European Studies, University of St. Petersburg)
USA (University of Florida Survey Research Center, Gainesville)
India (Saving Clubs/Grameen Banking), grant by NGO-Ideas (BMZ)
India (Micro Finance, Poverty), grant by the Karl Kuebel Foundation
Diversity Research in a firm for Disabled People (Trier)
Tanzania: Implementation of a “Participatory Research Approach” in an Integrated food and nutrition security project of GTZ (Sumbawanga; 4 weeks/year)
Major Research Grants, Scholarships and Awards
Social Media as Generators of Trust in Migration Decisions. Examples from West and Eastern Africa (€ 5.000; Initial Funds, Universität Trier)
The Brain Circulation-Development-Nexus between Germany and the Community of Independent States (CIS): Transnational Careers, Transfer of Knowledge and Social Networks (€ 5.000 ; Presidential Fund)
‘Putting Culture Impact to Work’ – Research Consultancy with the Goethe Institute, Sofia (€ 30.000; Goethe-Institute Munich)
‘Culture Has Got An Impact’ – Mission-oriented research in search for a new evaluation concept for the Goethe Institutes world-wide (€ 40.000; Goethe Institute Munich)
‘Human Trafficking’ - Arbeitsausbeutung und Menschenhandel in Rheinland-Pfalz (€ 30.000; Ministry of Integration (together with Schneider-Consulting Trier), Rhineland-Palatinate)
“VennMaker 1.0 – Imaging Methods for Participatory Network Research” ( - (Rhineland-Palatinate Cluster of Excellence) (€ 100.000)
“Ethnic and Trans-ethnic Networks as Social Capital – The Situation of Russian-Germans and Other Migrants Groups” (€ 200.000; Rhineland-Palatinate Cluster of Excellence)
since 2010
'Ein Festspielhaus für Afrika': der Transfer einer kulturellen Institution und deren Repräsentation im europäisch-afrikanischen Diskurs – eine ethnologische Schnittstellenanalyse (European Research Centre)
since 2010
"Murder in the Net – Fictional Networks in the Detective Series ‘Tatort’" (Rhineland-Palatinate Cluster of Excellence)
“Network Ties and Identity Constructions – Return Migration Strategies of Ethnic Germans in the Context of Changing Regimes of Migration” (€ 400.000; SFB 600 (together with Alois Hahn)
Landesförderung Freiwillige Rückkehr. Scientific Research Evaluation for Regierungspräsidium Baden-Württemberg.
Kulturelle Diversität als Organisationsressource: Ethnologisch-betriebswirtschaftliche Pilotstudie. Funded by Trierer Universitätsfonds.
Memberships and other relevant Activities
Participation in the Assembly of the SIBE Management Master (M.Sc.) / MBA (Module 7+8: Networking & Network Development; Stuttgart
Board Member of the Research Centre Europe: Structures of long duration (FZE)
Member of the International Research Training Group Program "Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces
Selection Committee Member for the “Goettingen International Ethnographic Film Festival”
since 2011
Scientific Supervisor of the “Trier Summer School on Social Network Analysis” (
since 2011
Board Member of the Klaus Jensen-Stiftung for “Future needs reconciliation”
since 2011
Scientific Advisory Board Member to the Heinrich Böll Foundation
since 2010
Scientific Advisory Board Member to the Goethe Institute Head Office, Munich
since 2009
Scientific Advisory Board Member to the Africa Section of the Goethe Institutes
since 2009
Contact Professor for the Scholarship Department of the Heinrich Boell Foundation
since 2009
Member of SIETAR Germany (Society for International Education, Training and Research)
since 2008
Scientific Advisor the German UNESCO Commission within the Coalition for Cultural Diversity
since 2007
Section Speaker of the Working Group for Development Anthropology within the German Society for Anthropology (DGV)
List of Publications
a) Publications in refereed journals and book publications
b) Other publications
"Bausteine und Perspektiven ethnologischer Netzwerkforschung - ein Blick zurück nach vorn", Soziologie 46:1, 31-35.
(forthcoming) “Ethnologie und Interkulturalität – Bruchlinien und Schnittmengen”, in: Ingrid Gogolin et al. (eds.), Handbuch Interkulturelle Pädagogik (Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt), 9 pages.
“Mutabor - oder wie viele Geschichten stecken in einem Goldgewicht”, in: Julia Reuter/Oliver Berli (eds.), Dinge befremden. Essays zur materieller Kultur (Wiesbaden: Springer VS), 147-160.
(co-edited with Markus Kaiser) Zuhause? Fremd? Migrations- und Beheimatungsstrategien zwischen Deutschland und Eurasien (Bielefeld: transcript).
(co-edited with Markus Gamper, Michael Kronenwett and Martin Stark) Visuelle Netzwerkforschung. Qualitative, quantitative und partizipative Zugänge (Bielefeld: transcript).
(co-edited with Markus Gamper and Linda Reschke) Knoten und Kanten 2.0. Soziale Netzwerkanalyse in Medienforschung und Kulturanthropologie (Bielefeld: transcript).
(co-authored with Markus Gamper and Michael Kronenwett) “Bringing Qualitative and Quantitative Data Together: Collecting Network Data with the Help of the Software Tool VennMaker”, in: Maytham Safar/Khaled A. Mahdi (ed.), Social Networking and Community Behaviour Modelling: Qualitative and Quantitative Measure (Hershey, PA: IGI Global), 193-213.
"Gruppenfeldforschung in der Werkstatt zum Thema 'Behinderung'", Ethnoscripts - Business Anthropology 12:2, 12-27 []
(co-authored with Alois Moosmüller) “Intercultural Competence in German Discourse”, in: Darla K. Deardorff (ed.), The Sage Handbook of Intercultural Competence (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publishers), 209-232.
Entwicklung, Partizipation und Ethnologie. Implikationen der Begegnung von ethnologischen und partizipativen Forschungsansätzen im Entwicklungskontext (Trier, Habilitation thesis,
(co-edited with Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann and Wolfram Heise) “Recht und Entwicklung Law and Development”, Special Issue: Entwicklungsethnologie 14:1-2.
(co-authored with Uwe Kievelitz) Participatory Learning Approaches: Rapid Rural Appraisal/Participatory Appraisal. An Introductory Guide (Roßdorf: TZ-Verlagsgesellschaft).
b) Other publications
(co-authored with Michael Kronenwett) VennMaker 1.4.0. Anwenderhandbuch (Trier,
(co-authored with Markus Gamper) "Visuelle Netzwerkforschung. Eine thematische Annäherung", in: Michael Schönhuth et al. (eds.), Visuelle Netzwerkforschung (Bielefeld: Transcript), 9-32.
"Landkarten sozialer Beziehungen: Partizipativ-visuelle Datenerhebung mit haptischen und elektronischen Werkzeugen. Entwicklung - Typen - Möglichkeiten - Grenzen", in: Michael Schönhuth et al. (eds.), Visuelle Netzwerkforschung (Bielefeld: Transcript), 59-80.
"Netzwerke aus ethnologischer Perspektive", in: Curt Wolfgang Hergenröder (ed.), Gläubiger, Schuldner, Arme. Netzwerke und die Rolle des Vertrauens (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag), 171-186.
"Diversity in der Werkstatt - Eine Feldstudie zum Thema Vielfalt und Behinderung", in: Bernd Steinmetz/Günther Vedder (eds.), Diversity Management und Antidiskriminierung (Weimar: Bertuch Verlag), 95-114.
Training of Young Researchers
Dissertations Currently Supervised
Tatjana Fenicia (2011) Gehen – bleiben – Rückkehren? Netzwerkstudien zum Sozialkapital russlanddeutscher Migranten. Research associate to the Research Cluster Social Networks Universities of Trier and Mainz (expected submission of thesis 2013)
Claudia Konrad (2012) „Auswirkungen von Waldschutzmaßnahmen auf die Bewirtschaftung von Gemeingüterressourcen. Eine Netzwerkanalyse zur institutionellen Vielfalt im Biosphärenreservat Sumaco, Ecuador external dissertation (expected submission of thesis 2014)
Rebecca Ferrari: Mapping the City: The Migratory Experience(s) of Maghrebian Women in Paris (since 2013, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Lisa Jung: Encounters. On the Move – from Kingston to Montreal: Understanding the Diverse Social Field of Jamaicans Migrating to Canada (since 2016, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Nikolas Schall: Cosmopolitan Solidarity in Transnational Activist Networks – An Ethnography of the Production of Global Relations (since 2016, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Claudia Konrad (2012) „Auswirkungen von Waldschutzmaßnahmen auf die Bewirtschaftung von Gemeingüterressourcen. Eine Netzwerkanalyse zur institutionellen Vielfalt im Biosphärenreservat Sumaco, Ecuador external dissertation (expected submission of thesis 2014)
Rebecca Ferrari: Mapping the City: The Migratory Experience(s) of Maghrebian Women in Paris (since 2013, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Lisa Jung: Encounters. On the Move – from Kingston to Montreal: Understanding the Diverse Social Field of Jamaicans Migrating to Canada (since 2016, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Nikolas Schall: Cosmopolitan Solidarity in Transnational Activist Networks – An Ethnography of the Production of Global Relations (since 2016, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Finished Dissertations
Tabea Jerrentrup (2009): Kulturelle Identität und Dissonanz in Südindien. Eine semiotische Plakatanalyse.
Anet Sahakyan: Bildungserfolgreiche junge (Spät-)Aussiedler im transnationalen Migrationskontext: Rückkehrmotive, Identitätsstrategien und Netzwerkstrukturen (Research associate to the SFB 600, 2013, time to degree: 3 years; current position: scientific collaborator within the research subdomain “Early Childhood: Education and Care”, of the Research Unit INSIDE at the Université du Luxembourg)
Gerald Gredinger: Zuhause Fremd. Die Russlanddeutschen zwischen National- und Kulturgrenzen) Research Associate to the SFB 600 (2016, time to degree: 4 years)
Anet Sahakyan: Bildungserfolgreiche junge (Spät-)Aussiedler im transnationalen Migrationskontext: Rückkehrmotive, Identitätsstrategien und Netzwerkstrukturen (Research associate to the SFB 600, 2013, time to degree: 3 years; current position: scientific collaborator within the research subdomain “Early Childhood: Education and Care”, of the Research Unit INSIDE at the Université du Luxembourg)
Gerald Gredinger: Zuhause Fremd. Die Russlanddeutschen zwischen National- und Kulturgrenzen) Research Associate to the SFB 600 (2016, time to degree: 4 years)