Prof. Dr. Manuel Fröhlich

Universität Trier Internationale Beziehungen und Außenpolitik FB III – Politikwissenschaft 54296 Trier |
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Manuel Fröhlich has held the Chair for International Relations and Foreign Policy at Universität Trier since 2015. He previously worked at the universities of Kiel and Jena where he established a program for the study of International Organizations and Globalization. He is an elected board member of the German Society for Political Science and editor of the German Journal of Political Science (Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft). Fröhlich was a member of the board and research council of the German United Nations Association. In addition, he is a member of the program committee of the Edelstam Institute of Education for Human Rights and International Affairs as well as co‐founder and editor of
the book series ‘The United Nations and Global Change’ (Nomos). Manuel Fröhlich was awarded fellow status of the NRW School of Governance in 2009 and was invited by the Academic Council on the United Nations System in 2013 to give the prestigious John W. Holmes Memorial Lecture. In 2014, he received the presidential teaching award at Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena. He has published several books and articles on a range of issues from the United Nations and global governance to the political philosophy of international relations and the role of individuals in world politics as well as the transformation of sovereignty, the responsibility to protect and peacekeeping. His research expertise will be of special relevance for research area 1 and 2. His close contacts to relevant International Organizations and international think tanks will help our doctoral researchers to enlarge their networks to the professional world of international governance and policy consultation.
the book series ‘The United Nations and Global Change’ (Nomos). Manuel Fröhlich was awarded fellow status of the NRW School of Governance in 2009 and was invited by the Academic Council on the United Nations System in 2013 to give the prestigious John W. Holmes Memorial Lecture. In 2014, he received the presidential teaching award at Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena. He has published several books and articles on a range of issues from the United Nations and global governance to the political philosophy of international relations and the role of individuals in world politics as well as the transformation of sovereignty, the responsibility to protect and peacekeeping. His research expertise will be of special relevance for research area 1 and 2. His close contacts to relevant International Organizations and international think tanks will help our doctoral researchers to enlarge their networks to the professional world of international governance and policy consultation.
Academic Career
Graduate Studies Johannes‐Gutenberg‐Universität Mainz and Johann‐Wolfgang‐Goethe‐Universität Frankfurt: Political Science, English Language and Literature Studies as well as History
Graduation / Academic Degrees
Dr. phil. in Political Science, Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena (summa cum laude)
M.A. in Political Science, Johannes‐Gutenberg‐Universität Mainz (with distinction)
Current Position(s)
since 2015
Chair of International Relations and Foreign Policy, Department of Political Science, Universität Trier
Position(s) Held
Professor of International Organizations and Globalization, Department of Political Sciences, Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena
Junior Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena
Research Assistant, Chair of International Relations, Department of Political Science, Christian‐Albrechts‐Universität Kiel
Research Assistant, Chair of Political Theories und History of Ideas, Department of Political Science, Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena; Deputy Director of the Project “The History of the Reception of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung, Essen
Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena
Relevant (International) Research Experience
Member of the program committee of the Edelstam Institute of Education for Human Rights and International Affairs, Stockholm
Research project with the Hague Center for Global Justice, The Hague: “The UN Executive: On the Interaction of UN Secretaries‐General and the Security Council” (book publication under contract with Oxford University Press)
Panel Organizer “Individuals in International Organizations” at the Annual Meeting of the Academic Council on the UN System
International Workshop “Leadership for Peace”, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation Stockholm
International Workshop “In Pursuit of Peace and Security”, International Peace Institute, New York
Completion of the Senior‐Level Peacebuilding Course at the Geneva Center for Security Policy
Co‐founder and editor of the book series “The United Nations and Global Change” (Nomos/Bloosmbury Publishing)
since 2008
Member of the editorial board (executive editor 2008‐2010) of the German Journal of Political Science (Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft)
since 2007
Fellow of the NRW School of Governance, Duisburg
Coordinator of the Research Group on the United Nations (Forschungskreis Vereinte Nationen)
since 2003
Member and Coordinator (2005‐2009) of the Research Council of the German Association for the United Nations, Berlin
Major Research Grants, Scholarships and Awards
Presidential Teaching Award, Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena
John W. Holmes Memorial Lecturer at the Annual Meeting of the Academic Council in the UN System
Major Research Grant by the German Foundation for Peace Research “Individual and International Leadership”
Memberships and other relevant Activities
since 2015
Vice‐Chair of the Board of the German Society for Political Science (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft)
Mentor in the Career Program for Women in Academia at the Julius‐Maximilians‐Universität Würzburg (Zentrales Frauenbüro)
Director of the Department of Political Science, Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena
Member of the interdisciplinary Institute for Learning and Education, Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena
Member of Council of Spokespersons for the Graduate School “Laboratory of Enlightenment”, Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena
since 2006
Member of the Selection Committee for the Carlo Schmid Program on Internships with International Organizations funded by the German Academic Exchange Service, the German Foreign Office and the Mercator Foundation
External PhD Examiner, University of Essex
since 2004
Member of the Academic Council on the United Nations System
List of Publications
a) Publications in refereed journals and book publications
b) Other publications
(co-edited with Abiodun Williams): The UN Secretary-General and the Security Council. A Dynamic Relationship
"Die Wurzeln einer internationalen Schutzverantwortung", in: Andrea Gawrich/Wilhelm Knelagen (eds.), Globale Sicherheit und die Zukunft politischer Ordnungen (Opladen: Barbara Budrich Verlag), 201-215.
"Leading Peace Operations: The Special Representatives of the UN Secretary-General", in: Julian Junk/Francesco Manici/Wolfgang Seibel/Till Blume (eds.), The Management of UN Peacekeeping. Coordination, Learning and Leadership in Peace Operations (Boulder: Lynne Riener Publishers), 301-329.
"Politische Philosophie der Internationalen Beziehungen", in: Carlo Masala/Frank Sauer (eds.), Handbuch der Internationalen Beziehungen (Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag), 3-19.
(co‐edited with Karsten Kenklies, Ralf Koerrenz, Käthe Schneider and Michael Winkler) Bildung und Kultur – Relationen (Jena: Garamond).
(co‐edited with Helmut Klumpjan and Hennig Melber) Dag Hammarskjöld (1905‐1961). Für eine friedliche Welt – Ideen und Impulse des zweiten UN‐Generalsekretärs (Frankfurt a.M.: Brandes & Apsel).
(co‐edited with Karsten Kenklies, Ralf Koerrenz, Kähte Schneider and Michael Winkler) Bildung und Kultur – Illustrationen (Jena: Garamond).
Political Ethics and the United Nations. Dag Hammarskjöld as Secretary‐General (London: Routledge).
(ed.) UN Studies. Umrisse eines Lehr‐ und Forschungsfeldes (Baden‐Baden: Nomos).
(co‐edited with Klaus Dicke) Wege multilateraler Diplomatie. Politik, Handlungsmöglichkeiten und Entscheidungsstrukturen im UN‐System (Baden‐Baden: Nomos).
(co‐edited with Karl‐Rudolf Korte) Politik und Regieren in Deutschland. Strukturen, Prozesse, Entscheidungen (Paderborn: UTB).
Dag Hammarsköld und die Vereinten Nationen. Die politische Ethik des UNO‐Generalsekretärs (Paderborn: Schöningh).
Sprache als Instrument politischer Führung. Helmut Kohls Berichte zur Lage der Nation im geteilten Deutschland (München: Centrum für angewandte Politikforschung).
(co‐edited with Peter Amsler, Elke Bruck, Hans Christian Heinz, Ines Hennig, Norbert Himmler and Stephan Welker) Was eint und was trennt die Deutschen? Stimmungs‐ und Meinungsbilder nach der Vereinigung (Mainz: Centrum für angewandte Politikforschung).
b) Other publications
"Unser Fach Politikwissenschaft", Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 27:1, 49-51.
(co-authored with Natalie Tröller): "Ban Ki-moons Dekade als Generalsekretär", Vereinte Nationen 65:1, 17-22.
Training of Young Researchers
Dissertations Currently Supervised
Patrick Rosenow: Die UN‐Botschafter der USA im Spannungsfeld von nationaler und internationaler Interessenvertretung (since 2010)
Dorothea Prell: Führungsstile der deutschen Bundeskanzler im Lichte der Leadership Trait Aanlysis (since 2011)
Simon Schulze: Menschenrechtskonzeptionen und Menschenrechtspolitik antikolonialer Unabhängigkeitsbewegungen
(since 2015)
Natalie Tröller: Die Organisation der Islamischen Konferenz und die Menschenrechte (since 2015)
Habilitations supervised
Elena Semenova: Parliamentary Elites and Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe (2014, Venia Legendi in Political Science and Sociology together with Heinrich Best, Ursula Hoffmann‐Lange)
Dorothea Prell: Führungsstile der deutschen Bundeskanzler im Lichte der Leadership Trait Aanlysis (since 2011)
Simon Schulze: Menschenrechtskonzeptionen und Menschenrechtspolitik antikolonialer Unabhängigkeitsbewegungen
(since 2015)
Natalie Tröller: Die Organisation der Islamischen Konferenz und die Menschenrechte (since 2015)
Habilitations supervised
Elena Semenova: Parliamentary Elites and Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe (2014, Venia Legendi in Political Science and Sociology together with Heinrich Best, Ursula Hoffmann‐Lange)