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Prof. Magdalena Dembinska, PhD

Prof. Magdalena Dembinska, PhD
Université de Montréal
Department of Political Science
3744, rue Jean-Brillant
Montréal, Québec
Canada, H3T 1P1
Phone +1-514-343 6111 #39949
Fax +1 514 343-7187
E-Mail magdalena.dembinska@umontreal.ca
Homepage https://pol.umontreal.ca/repertoire-departement/professeurs/professeur/in/in15246/sg/Magdalena%20Dembinska/
As a specialist in comparative politics, Magdalena Dembinska’s research agenda is mainly dedicated to the interdisciplinary field of ethnic politics. Her work focuses on Central Europe and post-soviet spaces, covering a wide array of issues: identity politics, ethnic conflicts, reconciliation and interethnic integration. More specifically, she delves into the ensuing changes in identity in a relational framework, where interactions play out between political opportunities, elite strategies and social receptivity: first, by exploring the politics of recognition and ethno-political movements in post-communist countries; second, by studying the processes of the construction of nations – mainly looking into the history of political developments in post-conflict societies and de facto States: Turkish Cyprus, Abkhazia (Georgia) and Transnistria (Moldova); third, by thinking through the political and institutional processes of building trust in an interethnic context and divided societies (most notably, the mechanism of deliberation leading up to collective political identities); and finally, by looking into the role of ‘borderization’ processes for the construction of border identities.

Academic Career


until 1998
Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, Warsaw University, Université de Montréal (Latin American Studies, International Relations, Political Science)

Graduation / Academic Degrees

2007 - 2009
Postdoctoral FQRSC Fellow, McGill University
2007 Ph.D.
Political Science, Université de Montréal
1998 M.Sc.
Political Science, Université de Montréal
1996 M.A.
International Relations, Warsaw University (Poland)
1995 M.A.
Latin American Studies, Warsaw University (Poland)

Current Position(s)

since 2014
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Université de Montréal
since 2014
Director, Undergraduate Program in International Studies, Université de Montréal

Position(s) Held

2009 - 2014
Assistant Professor, Political Science, Université de Montréal
Lecturer, European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, Carleton University
2004 - 2008
Lecturer, Political Science, Université de Montréal
2000 - 2005
Teaching Assistant, Political Science, Université de Montréal
2000 - 2005
Research Assistant, Political Science, Université de Montréal
1996 - 2000
Project Assistant, Centre for International Management Studies (CIMS), McGill
1991 - 1992
Assistant to the President, Antimonopoly Office, Warsaw, Poland

Relevant (International) Research Experience

Invited academic talk: “Trust-building in Divided Societies,” Centre for International Development, Bryan College and Chattanooga State University, USA, November 2-6, 2015.
Invited academic talk: “Construir la confianza en sociedades divididas,” “Globalizacion, nacionalismo y diversidad en Europa,” “Multiculturalismo canadiense y Quebec,” “Regiones separatistas y estados de facto,” Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 12-16, 2015
Invited academic talk: “Multiculturalisme au Canada et l’interculturalisme au Québec,” “Québec: une introduction,” “Québec: Partis politiques et elections,” Beijing Foreign Studies University, China, May 2-18, 2015
Invited participant: “Problems in the Western Balkans: settled or dormant?,” Workshop organized by the Ditchley Foundation, London, G.B., February 2013

Peer Reviewer for: Studies in Nationalism and Ethnicity; Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe; Politique et société; Civil Wars; Ethnicities; Identities; Nationalities Papers; Politique européenne; Jezikoslovlje; Canadian Journal of Political Science

Major Research Grants, Scholarships and Awards

2016 - 2020
“Coopération et conflit entre la Russie et l’Europe: une approche relationnelle”, CRSH Savoir, Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH), chercheur principale, with Frédéric Mérand, 129 707 $
2014 - 2017
“Deliberation for Reconciliation: Aboriginal vs non-Aboriginal Communities in Canada”, CRSH Développement Savoir, Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH), co-chercheur, with Françoise Montambeault and Martin Papillon, 45 000 $
2014 - 2017
“Frontière(s), Identité(s) et Représentation(s)”, Projets stratégiques en matière d'enseignement et de recherche, G-3 des universités francophones, with Korine Amacher, Université de Genève and Ramona Coman, Université libre de Bruxelles, 45 000 €
2013 - 2014
“Développer la confiance dans les sociétés divisées,” Petite subvention à la recherche, Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH) and Université de Montréal, projet individuel, 4 000 $
2011 - 2013
“Les politiques de la construction des catégories nationales et ethniques en Europe centrale”, Petite subvention à la recherché, Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH) and Université de Montréal, projet individuel (Terrain et entrevues en Pologne juillet 2012), 4 500 $
2010 - 2013
“L’image de l’Autre et ses altérations: transformation des conflits ethniques”, Subvention pour nouveaux chercheurs, Fonds québécois à la recherche en sciences humaines (FQRSC), projet individuel (Terrain et entrevues effectués en Moldova/Transnistrie en mai-juin 2011 et en Géorgie/Abkhazie, mai-juin 2013), 39 600 $
2010 - 2012
“Les États nationalisants et leurs minorités. Les stratégies politiques des groupes ethnolinguistiques”, Petite subvention à la recherche, Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH) et Université de Montréal, projet individuel, 4 200 $
2010 - 2012
“Les configurations politiques de la transformation des mythes historiques. Les conflits ethniques 'gelés' revisités”, Standard Research Grant, Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH), projet individuel (Terrain et entrevues effectués à Chypre turque/grec en juin 2010), 23 350 $

Memberships and other relevant Activities

Association canadienne de science politique (ACSP)
Société québécoise de science politique (SQSP)
American Political Science Association (APSA)
Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN)
International Studies Association (ISA)
Council for European Studies (CES)
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
Association for Borderlands Studies (ABS)
Editorial Board: Connexe. Les espaces postcommunistes en question(s); European and Regional Studies
Founding member, G3 Inter-university Network on Borders, Identities and Representations (Université de Montréal, Université de Genève, Universite libre de Bruxelles)

List of Publications

a) Publications in refereed journals and book publications
La légitimation et la survie des États de facto [Legitimation and Survival of De Facto States] (Montréal: Presse de l’Université de Montréal).
(co-authored with Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski and David Smith) “Diversity and Sovereignty in the Zone Between the EU and Russia”, in: special issue, Eurasian Geography and Economics.
(co-edited with Martin Deleixhe and Julien Danero Iglesias) "Securitized Borderlands" (Routledge).
(co-authored with Frédéric Mérand) “Theorizeng Cooperation and Conflict in Euro-Russia Relations”, in: special issue, East European Politics 36:4.
(co-authored with Stefan Morar) “Between the West and Russia: Moldova’s International Brokers in a Two-level Game”, in: Eurasian Geography and Economics, first published online: October 21. [DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2020.1836984]
(co-authored with Frédéric Mérand and Dominika Kunertova) “Theorising cooperation and conflict in Euro-Russian relations”, in: East European Politics 36:4, 465-476.
(co-authored with Frédéric Mérand and Anastasiya Shtaltovna) “Conflict and Coopertion between Europe and Russia: The Autonomy of Local Actors”, in: East European Politics 36:4, 477-498.
(co-authored with Françoise Montambeault and Martin Papillon) “Finding Deliberative Niches: A Systemic Approach to Deliberation for Conflict Resolution”, in: Acta Politica 55, 692-710.
(co-authored with M. Deleixhe and J. Danero Iglesias): “Securitized Borderlands”, Journal of Borderlands Studies 34:5, 639-647.
(co-authored with F. Montambeault and M. Papillon): “Finding Deliberative Niches: A Systemic Approach to Deliberation for Conflict Resolution”, Acta Politica, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41269-019-00139-2
“Carving out the nation with the enemy’s kin: double strategy of boundary-making in Transnistria and Abkhazia”, Nations and Nationalism 25:1, 298-317.
(co-authored with F. Mérand): “The Role of International Brokers in Frozen Conflics: The Case of Transnistria”, Asia Europe Journal 17, 15-30.
(co‐authored with Aurélie Campana): “Frozen Conflicts and Internal Dynamics of de facto States“, International Studies Review 19:2, 254-278.
"The Imagined ‘Other’ and Its Shifts: Politics and Identifications in Turkish Cyprus", National Identities 19:4, 395-413.
“The Imagined ‘Other’ and Its Shifts: Politics and Identifications in Turkish Cyprus”, National Identities [http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14608944.2016.1189409].
(co-authored with Françoise Montambeault) “Deliberation for Reconciliation in Divided Societies”, Journal of Public Deliberation 11:1, 1-35.
(co-authored with László Máracz and Márton Tonk) “Introduction to the Special Section: Minority Politics and the Territoriality Principle in Europe”, Nationalities Papers 42:3, 355-375.
(co-authored with Julien Danero Iglesias) “The Making of an Empty Moldovan Category within a Multiethnic Transnistrian Nation”, East European Politics and Societies 27:3, 413-428.
“Ethnopolitical Mobilization without Groups: Nation-Building in Upper Silesia”, Regional and Federal Studies 23:1, 47-66.
Vivre ensemble dans la diversité culturelle. Europe centrale et orientale après 1989 (Rennes: Les Presse universitaires de Rennes).
“(Re)Framing Identity Claims. European and State Institutions as Opportunity Windows for Group Reinforcement”, Nations and Nationalism 18:3, 417-438.
“Building Trust, Managing Common Past and Symbols in Divided Societies”, Ethnopolitics 9:3-4, 311-332.
“Briser les logiques du ‘gel’: approche différenciée et transformative en Abkhazie et en Transnistrie”, Études internationales 40:4, 611-629.

b) Other publications
"Does the spectre of separatism haunt emerging Europe?" Emerging Europe, 16/11/2017. [http://emerging-europe.com/voices/voices-regions/does-the-sceptre-of-separatism-haunt-emerging-europe/]

Training of Young Researchers

Dissertations Currently Supervised

Daniela Heimpel: Enseigner l’Europe? Défis, potentiel et limites d’une éducation à la citoyenneté européenne (since 2013)

Saaz Taher: La résistance comme pratique citoyenne: Le cas des jeunes de confession musulmane à Genève, à Paris et à Montréal (since 2014, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)

Stefan Morar: Transnistria: Between Russia and Europe (since 2016)
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