Johannes Müller-Gómez | |
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Multi-Level Systems and the Fulfilment of International Commitments
(Supervisors: Frédéric Mérand, Montréal / Berthold Rittberger, Munich
Mentoring: Magdalena Dembinska, Montréal / Manuel Fröhlich, Trier)
A large proportion of countries worldwide have committed to taking action against global environmental challenges. Conventions such as the UNFCCC, CITES or the Ramsar and Stockholm Conventions set common goals for environmental protection, reduction of pollutant production and emissions, conservation of biodiversity and climate change mitigation. However, not all states meet these obligations to the same extent. My dissertation is especially interested in how multi-level structures affect a country’s capability to fulfil its international environmental commitments. In contrast to centralised unitary states, federal or decentralised regimes face the structural challenge that the central government regularly cannot achieve the goals to which it has committed without the action of the federated or regional entities. Heterogeneous interests at the level of the constituent units pose an additional test for multi-level systems.
Existing literature has particularly dealt with policy preferences, party politics, public opinion and interest groups as explanatory factors for different levels of international compliance and environmental performance. Research interested in political institutions has focused on the number of veto players, the quality of the national bureaucracy and the system of interest representation, ignoring the specific effects of multi-level structures. As a result, we know little about how specific forms of federalism and decentral governance affect a system's capability to meet its environmental obligations. I argue that comparative federalism literature can help overcome these short-comings and make valuable contributions to our understanding of international compliance. My PhD project’s overall research question is as follows: How do multi-level structures affect the accomplishment of international commitments?
By bridging the existing gap between comparative federalism and the international compliance literature, I formulate theoretical propositions on the effects of multi-level structures on the accomplishment of international commitments. On this basis, I apply a mixed-method approach.
First, I conduct a regression analysis to detect and explain the effects of decentralised and federal structures on the implementation of international environmental conventions. Second, I use process-tracing to investigate the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement in Canada and the European Union. Third, I apply Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to study the accomplishment of the UNFCCC goals in federal systems.
(Supervisors: Frédéric Mérand, Montréal / Berthold Rittberger, Munich
Mentoring: Magdalena Dembinska, Montréal / Manuel Fröhlich, Trier)
A large proportion of countries worldwide have committed to taking action against global environmental challenges. Conventions such as the UNFCCC, CITES or the Ramsar and Stockholm Conventions set common goals for environmental protection, reduction of pollutant production and emissions, conservation of biodiversity and climate change mitigation. However, not all states meet these obligations to the same extent. My dissertation is especially interested in how multi-level structures affect a country’s capability to fulfil its international environmental commitments. In contrast to centralised unitary states, federal or decentralised regimes face the structural challenge that the central government regularly cannot achieve the goals to which it has committed without the action of the federated or regional entities. Heterogeneous interests at the level of the constituent units pose an additional test for multi-level systems.
Existing literature has particularly dealt with policy preferences, party politics, public opinion and interest groups as explanatory factors for different levels of international compliance and environmental performance. Research interested in political institutions has focused on the number of veto players, the quality of the national bureaucracy and the system of interest representation, ignoring the specific effects of multi-level structures. As a result, we know little about how specific forms of federalism and decentral governance affect a system's capability to meet its environmental obligations. I argue that comparative federalism literature can help overcome these short-comings and make valuable contributions to our understanding of international compliance. My PhD project’s overall research question is as follows: How do multi-level structures affect the accomplishment of international commitments?
By bridging the existing gap between comparative federalism and the international compliance literature, I formulate theoretical propositions on the effects of multi-level structures on the accomplishment of international commitments. On this basis, I apply a mixed-method approach.
First, I conduct a regression analysis to detect and explain the effects of decentralised and federal structures on the implementation of international environmental conventions. Second, I use process-tracing to investigate the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement in Canada and the European Union. Third, I apply Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to study the accomplishment of the UNFCCC goals in federal systems.
Since 2019
Doctoral Candidate at IRTG Diversity
Since 2017
Doctorat en science politique à l’Université de Montréal et l’Université Ludwig-Maximilian de Munich (cotutelle)
Master of Arts en science politique à l’Université de Cologne
Bachelor of Arts en études latino-américaines et sciences sociales à l’Université de Cologne
Academic exchanges 2013
Université de Montréal
École supérieure d'économie de Moscou
2009 - 2010
Université de Guadalajara
Université de Liège
Work Experience
Since 2020: Chargé de cours (cours : Intégration européenne), Département de science politique, Université de Montréal
Since 2016
Directeur de programme et membre du conseil exécutif, Cologne Monnet Association for EU-Studies (COMOS)
2018 - 2019
Coordinateur, Centre Jean Monnet de Montréal, McGill University & Université de Montréal
2018 - 2019
Auxiliaire de recherche, Centre d'études et de recherches internationales (CÉRIUM), Université de Montréal
2017 - 2018
Auxiliaire d’enseignement, Département de science politique, Université de Montréal
2016 - 2017
Chercheur (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) et chargé de cours, Centre for Turkey and European Union Studies (CETEUS), Université de Cologne
2014 - 2016
Chercheur (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) et chargé de cours, Chaire Jean Monnet en politique européenne, Université de Cologne
2012 / 2013 - 2014
Auxiliaire de recherche, Chaire Jean Monnet en politique européenne, Université de Cologne
(co-authored with Alina Thieme) The Appointment of the President of the European Commission 2019: A toothless European Parliament?, in: Michael Kaeding/Manuel Müller/Julia Schmälter (eds.), Europawahl 2019: Ringen um die Zukunft Europas (Wiesbaden: Springer), 181-190.
(co-authored with Wolfgang Wessels) Politisches System der EU (The political system of the European Union), in: Werner Weidenfeld/Wolfgang Wessels (eds.), Europa von A bis Z. Taschenbuch der europäischen Integration (Berlin: Springer Nature), 495-504.
(co-authored with Wulf Reiners) Rivalität mit System? Zehn Jahre institutioneller Wettbewerb zwischen Europäischem Parlament und Europäischem Rat (A Systemic Rivalry? Ten Years of Institutional Competition Between the European Parliament and the European Council), in: integration 4/2019, 262-279.
(co-authored with Wolfgang Wessels) Die institutionelle Architektur der Europäischen Union (The institutional architecture of the European Union), in: Werner Weidenfeld/Wolfgang Wessels (eds.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2019 (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 71-82.
(co-authored with Wolfgang Wessels/Johannes Wolters) The European Parliament and the European Council. A shift in the balance of power?, in: Oliver Costa (ed.), The European Parliament in times of crisis: Dynamics and Transformations (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), 53-76.
(co-authored with Wolfgang Wessels) Jahresbericht 2019: Die deutsche Verwaltung und die Europäische Union. Bericht über aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Europäischen Union und in der deutschen EU-Politik (Annual report 2019: The German administration and the European Union. Current developments in the European Union and German EU policy), Bundesakademie für öffentliche Verwaltung.
(co-authored with Wolfgang Wessels) Die institutionelle Architektur der Europäischen Union (The institutional architecture of the European Union), in: Werner Weidenfeld/Wolfgang Wessels (eds.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2018 (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 71-84.
(co-authored with Frédéric Mérand) Brexit: A Report on Canadian, U.S., and European Expertise, Report for Global Affairs Canada.
(co-authored with Wolfgang Wessels) Jahresbericht 2018: Die deutsche Verwaltung und die Europäische Union. Bericht über aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Europäischen Union und in der deutschen EU-Politik (Annual report 2018: The German administration and the European Union. Current developments in the European Union and German EU policy), Bundesakademie für öffentliche Verwaltung.
(co-authored with Wulf Reiners/Wolfgang Wessels) EU-Politik in Krisenzeiten. Krisenmanagement und Integrationsdynamik in der Europäischen Union (EU politics in times of crises. Crisis management and integration dynamics in the European Union), in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 37/2017, 11-17.
(co-authored with Wolfgang Wessels) Die deutsche Verwaltung und die Europäische Union. Deutsche Beamte im EU-Mehrebenensystem (The German administration and the European Union. German officials in the EU’s multi-level system), Bundesakademie für öffentliche Verwaltung.
(co-authored with Wolfgang Wessels): Spitzenkandidaten 2.0. Initial deficits and prospects for 2019, in: Lorenzo Vai/Pier Domenico Tortola/Nicoletta Pirozzi (eds.), Governing Europe. How to make the EU more efficient and democratic (Brussels: Peter Lang), 49-72.
(co-authored with Wolfgang Wessels) Die institutionelle Architektur der Europäischen Union (The institutional architecture of the European Union), in: Werner Weidenfeld/Wolfgang Wessels (eds.),Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2017 (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 71-86.
(co-authored with Wolfgang Wessels) Jahresbericht 2017: Die deutsche Verwaltung und die Europäische Union. Bericht über aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Europäischen Union und in der deutschen EU-Politik (Annual report 2017: The German administration and the European Union. Current developments in the European Union and German EU policy), Bundesakademie für öffentliche Verwaltung.
(co-edited with Anja Lenkeit/Anna-Maria Peer) Lateinamerika und der Freihandel. Interessen. Diskurse. Perspektiven (Latin America and free trade. Interests. Discourses. Perspectives), (Köln: connosco).
(co-authored with Anna-Maria Peer) Die Freihandelspolitik Lateinamerikas. Ein Überblick (Latin America’s free trade policy. An overview), in: Anja Lenkeit/Johannes Müller-Gómez/Anna Maria Peer (eds.), Lateinamerika und der Freihandel. Interessen. Diskurse. Perspektiven (Köln: connosco), 8-12.
Freihandelsabkommen – Normative Mittel der Europäischen Union? (Free trade agreements – A normative instrument of the European Union?), in: Anja Lenkeit/Johannes Müller-Gómez/Anna Maria Peer (eds.), Lateinamerika und der Freihandel. Interessen. Diskurse. Perspektiven (Köln: connosco), 18-29.
(co-authored with Wolfgang Wessels) The Spitzenkandidaten Procedure: Reflecting on the Future of an Electoral Experiment, iai Working Paper 16-08.
Why and How the Spitzenkandidaten Procedure Should be Further Developed, EuVisions,
(co-authored with Alexander Hoppe): Wege aus der Legitimitätskrise. Chancen eines europäischen Föderalismus (Overcoming the legitimacy crisis: Opportunities of a European federalism), in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 28-30/2015, 30-35.
(co-authored with Wolfgang Wessels) The EP elections 2014 and their consequences. A further step towards EU parliamentarism?, in: Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto 52-2015, 39-66.
(co-authored with Oliver Höing) Towards the German model? Spitzenkandidaten and European Elections 2014, in: L’Europe en formation 4/55, 54-65.
Arbeitsplätze, Klimaschutz, Migration und Freihandel. Zu den Herausforderungen der neuen Legislaturperiode des Europäischen Parlaments (Jobs, climate change, migration and free trade: Challenges of the new European Parliament), in: Europa und Arbeitsmarkt 2/11, 5.
Conference Presentations
Voting Behaviour in the European Parliament. Political Group Cohesion in EU Climate Policy-Making
University Association for Contemporary European Studies, 49e colloque annuel, Lisbonne, 2/9/2019.
Refugees welcome? Contestation over a European distribution mechanism
International Public Policy Association, 4e colloque biennale sur la politique publique, Montréal, 26/6/2019.
Quasi-federal systems and their fulfilment of international commitments. Canada, the European Union and beyond
International Public Policy Association, 4e colloque biennale sur la politique publique, Montréal, 26/6/2019.
Refugees welcome? Contestation over a European distribution mechanism
European Union Studies Association, 16e colloque biennale de l’EUSA, Denver, 9/5/2019.
The European Parliament and the European Council. A shift in the balance of power?
European Union Studies Association, 16e colloque biennale de l’EUSA, Denver, 10/5/2019.
The result of (mis)construction? Crisis management and institutionalisation in the EU
European Union Studies Association, 16e colloque biennale de l’EUSA, Denver, avec Tobias Kunstein et Wulf Reiners, 10/5/2019.
Refugees welcome? Contestation over a European distribution mechanism
Carleton University, colloque « Migration, Identity and Politics in Europe », Ottawa, 1/3/2019.
EU politics in times of crises. Crisis management and integration dynamics
Northeastern Political Science Association, 51e colloque annuel de la NPSA, Montréal, 8/11/2018.
Still sui generis ? The comparative turn in EU politics
COMOS, colloque « The future of the European Union. Comparative experiences from federal systems », Montréal, 1/11/2018.
Inter-institutional power struggle. The role of the European Parliament and the European Council in the EU’s institutional architecture
Projet Jean Monnet EUCOPAS, colloque « Inter-institutional balance: towards a new institutional architecture? », Bruxelles, 5/6/2018.
Diffusion of EU climate norms in Canada: A case study on the European Emissions Trading System and the Western Climate Initiative
Association d’Etudes sur la Communauté européenne - Canada, 12e colloque biennale de l’ECSA-C, Toronto, 10/5/2018.
The balance of power between the European Parliament and the European Council
Parlement européen & Collège d’Europe, atelier « The European Parliament in times of crisis: Dynamics and Transformations », Bruxelles, avec Johannes Wolters, 30/5/2017.
The European Council and the Future of EU Democracy. Prospects of an Enhanced Multi-level Parliamentarism
European Union Studies Association, 15e colloque biennale de l’EUSA, Miami, 4/5/2017.
How to reform the European Spitzenkandidaten system
Centro Studi sul Federalismo, Open Society European Policy Institute et Istituto Affari Internazionali, colloque « How to make the EU more efficient and democratic », Bruxelles, 16/6/2016.
Refugees welcome? Contestation over a European distribution mechanism
Association d’Etudes sur la Communauté européenne - Canada, 11e colloque biennale de l’ECSA-C, Halifax, avec Birte Windheuser, 11/5/2016.
The EU and the refugee crisis. Member States’ opposition to a European solution and implications for the EU’s actorness
Cambridge University, séminaire « The European Union as a Credible Global Actor », Cambridge, avec Birte Windheuser, 5/4/2016.
The Future of the Spitzenkandidaten Procedure
Centro Studi sul Federalismo & Istituto Affari Internazionali, séminaire « Governing Europe », Turin, 10/12/2015.
Freihandelsabkommen – Normative Mittel der EU? (Free trade agreements – A normative instrument of the European Union?)
connosco, colloque « Freihandel zwischen Lateinamerika und der EU. Chancen, Risiken, Alternativen », Cologne, 9/5/2015.
The 2014 Elections to the European Parliament. Towards a new Representation of Citizens at the EU level?
PADEMIA – Parliamentary Democracy in Europe, atelier « Rethinking Representation? The Changing Environment for Parliamentary Democracy », Vienne, 27/3/2015.