PD Dr. Eva Bischoff

Phone | +49 (0) 651 201-2178 |
bischoff@uni-trier.de | |
Homepage | https://www.uni-trier.de/index.php?id=44437 |
Eva Bischoff is Assistant Professor for International History. Her research interests include the history of British, German, and US colonialism, postcolonial studies as well as gender/queer studies. She received her PhD from the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich. Her dissertation reconstructs the entanglement and interdependencies between colonial and metropolitan discourses on masculinity, race, and class. It was published in 2011, entitled: Kannibale-Werden. Eine postkoloniale Geschichte deutscher Männlichkeit um 1900 (transcript).
Her current research looks at British settler colonialism in nineteenth-century Australia and New Zealand. She recently concluded a book project reconstructing the ambiguous role Quakers played in the process of settler colonialism in nineteenth-century Australia. The key question of the study is: How did Quakers, considering their pacifism and involvement in humanitarian projects, negotiate the violence of the frontier? The monograph, Benevolent Colonizers in Nineteenth-Century Australia: Quaker Lives and Ideals will be published by Palgrave MacMillan.
Eva Bischoff’s work is strongly connected to interdisciplinary as well as international research groups. As a doctoral student, she was a member of the International Research Training Group “Postcolonial Studies” at the LMU Munich. Moreover, she has substantial teaching experience. She taught British and American History as well as Postcolonial Studies on the B.A. and on the M.A. levels before coming to Trier where she focusses on colonial and global history.
Her current research looks at British settler colonialism in nineteenth-century Australia and New Zealand. She recently concluded a book project reconstructing the ambiguous role Quakers played in the process of settler colonialism in nineteenth-century Australia. The key question of the study is: How did Quakers, considering their pacifism and involvement in humanitarian projects, negotiate the violence of the frontier? The monograph, Benevolent Colonizers in Nineteenth-Century Australia: Quaker Lives and Ideals will be published by Palgrave MacMillan.
Eva Bischoff’s work is strongly connected to interdisciplinary as well as international research groups. As a doctoral student, she was a member of the International Research Training Group “Postcolonial Studies” at the LMU Munich. Moreover, she has substantial teaching experience. She taught British and American History as well as Postcolonial Studies on the B.A. and on the M.A. levels before coming to Trier where she focusses on colonial and global history.
Academic Career
2001 - 2007
Graduate Studies at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and University of Hamburg in Medieval History, Modern History & American Cultural History
Graduation / Academic Degrees
Venia Legendi in Modern & Contemporary History (Trier University); Thesis (Habilitation): “Colonial Violence and Pacifism: Quaker Life and Ideals in Australia, c. 1830-1860”
Dr. phil. in Modern History; Dissertation on “‘Ich bin doch kein Kannibale’: Alterität und Männlichkeit zwischen 1890 und 1933”
Magister Artium in Modern & Medieval History, Political Science, Philosophy - University of Cologne; Thesis on “Frauen zwischen Emanzipation und Imperialismus: Konzepte von Weiblichkeit und kolonialer Herrschaft in den Schriften der British Women’s Emigration Association und des Frauenbundes der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft”
Current Position(s)
since 10/2017
Assistant Professor, tenured, in International History - Trier University
Position(s) Held
04/2018 - 09/2018
Acting Chair of International History (full time) in lieu of Prof Dr Ursula Lehmkuhl, Trier University
10/2015 - 03/2016
Acting Chair of International History (full time) in lieu of Prof Dr Ursula Lehmkuhl, Trier University
Assistant Professor, non tenure-track (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) in International History - Trier University
2010 - 2011
Assistant Professor & Postdoc Researcher (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin), John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies - Freie Universität Berlin
2009 - 2010
Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragte für besondere Aufgaben), Postcolonial, National & Transnational Studies Program (NATS) - University of Münster
2007 - 2009
Assistant Professor, pre-doc (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin), North American Studies Program (NAP) - University of Bonn
2005 - 2007
Assistant Professor, pre-doc (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin), Department of Anglo-American History, University of Cologne
Relevant (International) Research Experience
03/2019 - 04/2019
Visiting Scholar at the Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies, Victoria University Wellington
Visiting Scholar at the Monash Indigenous Studies Centre, Monash University, Melbourne
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Martin Buber Society of Fellows - Hebrew University Jerusalem
Postdoc Research Fellow at the German Historical Institute London
Visiting Scholarship, University of Tasmania, Australia
in cooperation with Dr. Anna Johnston: “Colonial Policing,” International Workshop at the Centre for Colonialism and Its Aftermath, University of Tasmania
“’Not Us, the Others Too’: German Translocations of Postcolonial Theory,” Panel at the International Conference: What Postcolonial Theory Doesn’t Say, University of York
Major Research Grants, Scholarships and Awards
2013 - 2014
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Martin Buber Society of Fellows in the Humanities Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Postdoc Scholarship, German Historical Institute London (April – September)
Visiting Scholar, Centre for Colonialism and Its Aftermath (CAIA) University of Tasmania (17 March – 21 April)
2007 - 2010
Member of the Young Scholars Research Network: “Körper in den Kulturwissenschaften” (funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)
2003 - 2005
Doctoral Fellowship at the Graduate School “Postcolonial Studies”, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
1995 - 1996
ERASMUS Student Scholarship, International Politics, Development Studies and Sociologie, Homo- en Lesbostudies, Universiteit van Amsterdam (Winter Term)
Memberships and other relevant Activities
Member of Steering Committee of the Centrum für Postcolonial and Gender Studies (CePoG), Trier University
Member of the Steering Committee of the Trierer Institut zur Erforschung des Transfers von Menschen, Gütern und Ideen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart (Transmare)
Associate Member of the Research Centre Colonialism and Its Aftermath (CAIA), University of Tasmania
Gesellschaft für Australienstudien/ Association for Australian Studies (GASt/AAS)
Member of the „AG Weltregionale und Globale Geschichte“ of the VHD
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien/ German Association for American Studies (DGfA/GAAS)
Member of the Australian Historical Association (AHA)
Member of the Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands e.V. (VHD)
Member of the Steering Committee of the Trierer Institut zur Erforschung des Transfers von Menschen, Gütern und Ideen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart (Transmare)
Associate Member of the Research Centre Colonialism and Its Aftermath (CAIA), University of Tasmania
Gesellschaft für Australienstudien/ Association for Australian Studies (GASt/AAS)
Member of the „AG Weltregionale und Globale Geschichte“ of the VHD
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien/ German Association for American Studies (DGfA/GAAS)
Member of the Australian Historical Association (AHA)
Member of the Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands e.V. (VHD)
List of Publications
a) Publications in refereed journals and book publications
b) Other publications
(ed.): Dimensions of Settler Colonialism in Transnational Perspective: Experiences, Actors, Spaces (London: Routlege).
Moving Trees and Trading Melons: Reconstructing Local Knowledge and Settler Practices in 1840s South Australia, in: Beate Neumeier and Helen Tiffin (eds.), Ecocritical Concerns and the Australian Continent. Ecocritical Theory and Practice Series (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield), 91-106.
Anachronistische Körper. Konstruktionen von Männlichkeit und Alterität zwischen kolonialem Rassismus, Kriminologie und Psychiatrie, in: Claudia Bruns/Michaela Hampf (eds.), Transfer – Wissen – Differenz. Transnationale und interdiskursive Verflechtungen von Rassismen ab 1700 (Göttingen: Wallstein), 189-219.
Being at Home: Intersections of Race, Class, and Gender in Settler Colonial Australia, in: Ulrike Lindner/Dörte Lerp (eds.), New Perspectives on Gender and Empire. Comparative and Intersectional Approaches. Studies in Imperialism (London: Bloomsbury), 209-238.
The Goddess and the Beast: African-German Encounters, in: Matthew Fitzpatrick/Peter Monteath (eds.), Savage Worlds: German Encounters Abroad, 1798-1914 (Manchester: Manchester University Press), 63-85.
(ed.): Experiences, Actors, Spaces: Dimensions of Settler Colonialism in Transnational Perspective, Special Issue: Settler Colonial Studies 7:2.
Experiences, Actors, Spaces: Dimensions of Settler Colonialism in Transnational Perspective, in: Settler Colonial Studies 7:2, 135-140.
Arms & Amelioration: Negotiating Quaker Peace Testimony and Settler Violence in 1830s Van Diemen’s Land, in: Settler Colonial Studies 7:2, 241-259.
Die Gewalt des Ordnens. Die ‘Black Line’ im Kontext kolonialer Biopolitik in Van Diemen’s Land zwischen 1826 und 1832, in: Ulrike Jureit (ed.), Umkämpfte Räume: Raumbilder, Ordnungswille und Gewaltmobilisierung (Göttingen: Wallstein), 117-137.
Fanny Cochrane Smith: Spring Song (1899). Oder: Geschichte dekolonial, in: Olaf Stieglitz/Jürgen Martschukat (eds.), Race & Sex. Eine Geschichte der Neuzeit. 49 Schlüsseltexte aus vier Jahrhunderten neu gelesen (Berlin: Neofelis), 263-271.
Amongst the Cannibals: Articulating Masculinity in Postcolonial Weimar Germany, in: Ziad Elmarzafy/Anna Bernard/Stuart Murray (eds.), What Postcolonial Studies Does Not Say (London: Routledge), 141-155.
James Backhouse und George Washington Walker als Protagonisten der öffentlichen Debatte um die Reform des Strafvollzugs im kolonialen Australien, in: historicum-estudies.net (Schwerpunktheft: Virtuosen der Öffentlichkeit? Friedrich von Gentz (1764-1832) im globalen intellektuellen Kontext seiner Zeit. Hg. Gudrun Gersmann, Friedrich Jaeger und Michael Rohrschneider).
Introduction: Experiences, Actors, Spaces: Dimensions of Settler Colonialism in Transnational Perspective, in: Settler Colonial Studies (Schwerpunktheft: Experiences, Actors, Spaces: Dimensions of Settler Colonialism in Transnational Perspective, Ed. Eva Bischoff) [http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/2201473X.2015.1090650].
Arms & Amelioration: Negotiating Quaker Peace Testimony and Settler Violence in 1830s Van Diemen’s Land, in: Settler Colonial Studies (Schwerpunktheft Experiences, Actors, Spaces: Dimensions of Settler Colonialism in Transnational Perspective, Hg. Eva Bischoff) [http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/2201473X.2015.1090653].
(co-edited with Ursula Lehmkuhl/Norbert Finzsch) Provincializing the United States: Colonialism, Decolonization, and (Post)Colonial Governance in Transnational Perspective. American Studies – A Monograph Series 248 (Heidelberg: Winter).
(co-authored with Ursula Lehmkuhl) Provincializing the United States: Postcolonial Perspectives on North American History, in: Ursula Lehmkuhl/Eva Bischoff/Norbert Finzsch (eds.), Provincializing the United States: Colonialism, Decolonization, and (Post)Colonial Governance in Transnational Perspective. American Studies – A Monograph Series 248 (Heidelberg: Winter). 9-36.
(co-authored with Daniel Siemens) Class, Youth, and Sexuality in the Construction of the Lustmörder: The 1928 Murder Trial of Karl Hussmann, in: Richard Wetzell (ed.), Crime and Criminal Justice in Modern Germany (New York: Berghahn), 207-225.
Acting Cannibal: Intersecting Strategies, Conflicting Interests, and the Ambiguities of Cultural Resistance in Iringa, German East Africa, in: Nina Berman/Klaus Mühlhahn/Patrice Nganang (eds.), German Colonialism Revisited. African, Asian, and Oceanic Experiences (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press), 212-225.
The Cannibal and the Caterpillar: Violence, Pain, and Becoming-Man in Early Twentieth Century Germany, in: Body Politics. Zeitschrift für Körpergeschichte. Special Issue: Gewaltverhältnisse (Pascal Pascal Eitler (ed.)), 1-31.
‘Heimischwerden deutscher Art und Sitte’ – Power, Gender, and Diaspora in the Colonial Contest, in: Itenario. Special Issue: Globalizing Germany (Matt Fitzpatrick/Peter Monteath (eds.)), 43-58.
(with Irene Franken) ’Sie sollen mit erobern, kämpfen, bauen - Fremdland zur Heimat wandeln nur die Frauen.’ – Koloniale Frauenvereine in Köln zwischen 1893 und 1919, in: Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst/Anne-Kathrin Horstmann (eds.), Köln und der deutsche Kolonialismus. Eine Spurensuche (Köln: Böhlau), 37-42.
(with Elisabeth Engel) Colonialism and Beyond: Race and Migration from a Postcolonial Perspective, in: Eva Bischoff/Elisabeth Engel (eds.), Colonialism and Beyond. Race and Migration from a Postcolonial Perspective. Periplus Studien 17 (Münster: Lit), 3-19.
(Co-edited with Elisabeth Engel) Colonialism and Beyond. Race and Migration from a Postcolonial Perspective. Periplus Studien 17 (Münster: Lit).
Tropenkoller: Male Self-Control and the Loss of Colonial Rule, in: Maurus Reinkowski/Gregor Thum (eds.), Helpless Imperialists. Imperial Failure, Fear and Radicalization. Schriftenreihe der FRIAS School of History 6 (Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht), 117-136.
What Can a Body Do? Praktiken und Figurationen des Körpers in den Kulturwissenschaften. As member of Netzwerk Körper in den Kulturwissenschaften (Frankfurt: Campus).
modifizieren, in: Netzwerk Körper in den Kulturwissenschaften (ed.), Kompendium Körper in den Kulturwissenschaften (Frankfurt: Campus), 70-82.
Kannibale-Werden. Eine postkoloniale Geschichte deutscher Männlichkeit um 1900 (Bielefeld: transcript).
b) Other publications
Aborigines, in: Friedrich Jaeger (ed.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online (Stuttgart: Metzler) [http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/2352-0248_edn_a6023000].
Australien, in: Friedrich Jaeger (ed.), Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online (Stuttgart: Metzler) [http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/2352-0248_edn_a6020000].
Settler Imperialism and Indigenous Peoples. The Case of Australia. In: Immanuel Ness/Saer Maty Ba (eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), 415-422.