Dr. Elisa Müller-Adams

Phone | +49 651 201 2121 |
Fax | +49-651-201-3909 |
madams@uni-trier.de | |
Homepage | https://www.uni-trier.de/index.php?id=33095 |
Elisa Müller-Adams is Assistant Professor at the Department of German Studies at the University of Trier. Her research interests are situated at the intersections of Gender and Intercultural Studies and includeliterature by German-speaking women, cultural transfer between England and Germany, travel literature and literary history from a transnational perspective. Since her doctoral thesis on the German Romantic author Caroline de la Motte Fouqué she has worked and published on German women’s writing around 1800 and in the 19th century, on gender and nation in texts about England in the 19th century, cultural exchange and the „translation“ of literary genres and German women writers of the 19th century on the international literary market.
Elisa Müller-Adams has extensive teaching experience in graduate education both in Great Britain, where she worked for 5 years as a DAAD- Lektor at the Department of Germanic Studies at the University of Sheffield, and at the University of Trier, where she is teaching in the B.A.- and Master programs in German Studies offering seminars on German literature from the 18th century to the present.She has supervised several BA-thesis’ on German literature. As coordinator of the Center for Postcolonial and Gender Studies (CePoG) at the University of Trier, Elisa Müller-Adams is also involved in interdisciplinary reasearch activities and has experience in organizing interdisciplinary teaching programs. She is involved in the designing and teaching of modules in the interdisciplinary Master degree course (minor) „Intercultural Gender Studies“.
As a researcher, Elisa Müller-Adams is involved in several international networks and cooperations: She is member of the international research network „New Approaches to European Women’s Writing (NEWW) and of the European project „Women’s Writing in History“ (COST Action IS 0901, 2009-2013). She cooperates closely with Dr. Kerstin Wiedemann (Université de Lorraine) and Dr. Caroline Bland, director of the Centre for Gender Studies in Europe.
Elisa Müller-Adams has extensive teaching experience in graduate education both in Great Britain, where she worked for 5 years as a DAAD- Lektor at the Department of Germanic Studies at the University of Sheffield, and at the University of Trier, where she is teaching in the B.A.- and Master programs in German Studies offering seminars on German literature from the 18th century to the present.She has supervised several BA-thesis’ on German literature. As coordinator of the Center for Postcolonial and Gender Studies (CePoG) at the University of Trier, Elisa Müller-Adams is also involved in interdisciplinary reasearch activities and has experience in organizing interdisciplinary teaching programs. She is involved in the designing and teaching of modules in the interdisciplinary Master degree course (minor) „Intercultural Gender Studies“.
As a researcher, Elisa Müller-Adams is involved in several international networks and cooperations: She is member of the international research network „New Approaches to European Women’s Writing (NEWW) and of the European project „Women’s Writing in History“ (COST Action IS 0901, 2009-2013). She cooperates closely with Dr. Kerstin Wiedemann (Université de Lorraine) and Dr. Caroline Bland, director of the Centre for Gender Studies in Europe.
Academic Career
1989 - 1996
Undergraduate and Graduate Studies in German Studies, English Studies and Comparative Literature Studies - University of the Saarland, Saarbrücken
Graduation / Academic Degrees
Dissertation in German literature on Caroline de la Motte Fouqué and the conditions of German women writers in the early Restoration period
M.A. in German Literature, English literature and Comparative literature - University of the Saarland, Saarbrücken
Current Position(s)
since 2010
Assistant Professor, German Literature and Gender Studies Coordinator, Center for Postcolonial and Gender Studies - University of Trier
Position(s) Held
2009 - 2010
Research Coordinator, Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliches Forschungszentrum (HKFZ) Trier - University of Trier
Lecturer, German Literature - University of Trier
2006 - 2007
Hon. Research Associate and Tutor for German, Department of Germanic Studies - University of Sheffield, GB
2001 - 2006
DAAD Lector, Department of Germanic Studies - University of Sheffield, GB
Research Associate (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin), Institut für Landeskunde im Saarland (IfLiS) - University of the Saarland, Saarbrücken
Major Research Grants, Scholarships and Awards
ERASMUS Teaching Mobility, Institute for German, University Debrecen, Hungary.
Project Funding: Historisch-kulturwissenschaftliches Forschungszentrum (HKFZ) Trier, project with Prof. Andrea Geier: Wissen – Erfahren – Schreiben: Raumkonstruktionen in Reisefiktionen um 1900 und 2000 im Vergleich.
ERASMUS Teaching Mobility, Department of Germanic Studies, University of Sheffield, GB.
Research Grant (Wiedereinstiegsstipendium): Ministerium für Bildung, Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Rheinland‐Pfalz: Gender and Nation in Texts about England by German-speaking women 1840-1860.
DAAD Grant: A German Jane Eyre? Amely Bölte’s governess novels.
1997 - 1999
Doctoral Scholarship, Saarländische Landesgraduiertenförderung
1990 - 1991
ERASMUS student scholarship, University College Dublin, Ireland
Memberships and other relevant Activities
Since 2011
Member of the Steering Committe oft he Center for Postcolonial and Gender Studies (CePoG), Trier
Since 2010
Member of the HKFZ Trier
Since 2009
(substitute) member of the Management Committee and Working Group 3 member in the European COST Action IS 0901 “Women Writers In History” (2009-2013)
Since 2008
Member of the European NEWW (New approaches to European Women’s Writing) network
Cooperation with the Center for Gender Studies in Europe (director: Dr. Caroline Bland), University of Sheffield, and member of the Steering Committee
Since 2005
Honorary Research Fellow des Department of Germanic Studies, University of Sheffield, GB.
List of Publications
a) Publications in refereed journals and book publications
b) Other publications
(co-edited with Anett Csorba, Tibor Dobis and Andrea Horváth): Theorien der Kultur: Ein kulturwissenschaftliches Studienbuch (Debrecen: Debrecen University Press).
Gender, Memory, and Interculturality in Caroline de la Motte Fouqué Historical Novel Die Vertriebenen, Romantik: Journal for the Study of Romanticisms 3, 111-128.
Gender and the City. - Urban narratives in travel writing about London by German-speaking women in the 19th century“, in: Lieselotte Steinbrügge andSuzan van Dijk (Eds.), Narrations genrées. Ecrivaines dans l’histoire européenne jusqu’au début du XXe siècle (Proceedings of the Bochum conference May 2009) (Louvain: Peeters), 218-232.
(ed. with Kerstin Wiedemann) Wege aus der Marginalisierung: Geschlecht und Erzählweise in deutschsprachigen Romanen von Frauen 1780-1914 (Nancy: Presses universitaires de Nancy).
"Heart of Darkness dans le récit de voyage colonial belge (Simenon, Picard)", in: Kathleen Gyssels et al. (Eds.), Présence africaine en Europe et au-delà (Paris: L'Harmattan), 65-82.
(ed. with Caroline Bland) Schwellenüberschreitungen. Politik im Schreiben von Frauen 1780-1918 (Bielefeld: Aisthesis)
(ed. with Caroline Bland) Frauen in der literarischen Öffentlichkeit 1780-1918 (Bielefeld: Aisthesis)
‘...daß die Frau zur Frau redet’ – Das Werk der Caroline de la Motte Fouqué als Beispiel weiblicher Literaturproduktion der frühen Restaurationszeit, in: Karl Richter et al. (Eds.), Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft 74 (St. Ingbert: Röhrig).
b) Other publications
forthc. 2016
Reisen in die Dunkelheit. Anna Kims Grönland-Texte. Tagungsband„Frauen unterwegs. Migrationsgeschichten in der Gegenwartsliteratur“, im Rahmen von »Chancen kultureller Netzwerke« VI. Biennales Treffen der LeiterInnen und wissenschaftlichen BetreuerInnen von Österreich-Bibliotheken im Ausland“ Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien.
"Gender, Gedächtnis und Grenzräume in Reisetexten von Ida Hahn-Hahn und Ida von Düringsfeld", in: Andrea Horváth/Karl Katschthaler (eds.), Konstruktion – Verkörperung – Performativität: Genderkritische Perspektiven auf Grenzgängerinnen in Literatur und Musik (Bielefeld: transcript), 139-162.
“Welch spaßhafte Reise! [...] Sind die Koffer gepackt, oder gibt es noch etwas zu träumen?“ Zur Funktion des Reisenarrativs in Annette Kolbs Das Exemplar, Werkstatt. Internet Zeitschrift für germanistische und vergleichende Kultur- und Literaturwissenschaft 9, 58-73. https://werkstatt.unideb.hu/2014/muller_adams.pdf (HU ISSN 2061-8999)
"Raumerfahrung und Identitätskonstruktion in Ida von Düringsfelds Esther (1852)", in: Elisa Müller-Adams and Kerstin Wiedemann (Eds.), Wege aus der Marginalisierung. Geschlecht und Schreibweisen in deutschsprachigen Romanen von Frauen 1780-1914 (Nancy: Presses universitaires de Nancy), 163-190.
"Gender and the City. - Urban narratives in travel writing about London by German-speaking women in the 19th century.", in: Lieselotte Steinbrügge and Suzan van Dijk (Eds.), Narration et genre. Les femmes écrivains dans l’histoire européenne jusqu’au début du XXe siècle (Leuven u.a.: Peeters)
A German Jane Eyre? – Amely Bölte and the English governess novel, Women’s Writing 18:1 (Special Edition: Readers, Writers, Salonnières: Female Networks in Europe, 1700-1900), 103-120.
„Ein bischen Sünde, ein bischen Unglück macht die Frauen erst reizvoll“ Caroline Fouqués Eheromane Die Frau des Falkensteins und Resignationm in: Wolfgang de Bruyn and Barbara Gribnitz (Eds.), Blätter öffentlich in die Welt. Caroline de la Motte Fouqué und Sophie Tieck-Bernhardi-von Knorring, Schriftstellerinnen in Preußen (Hannover: Wehrhahn, 107-129.
„’Das gigantische England und meine kleine Feder’ - Gender und Nation in Reiseberichten von Fanny Lewald und Emma Niendorf.“, in: Christina Ujma (Ed.), Wege in die Moderne. Reiseliteratur von Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftstellern des Vormärz. (Forum Vormärz Forschung Jahrbuch 2008) (Ujma. Bielefeld: Aisthesis), 147-158.
„Father Rhine and his daughter(s). Clemens Brentano's Rheinmärchen and the creation of a national myth“, in: Wolfgang Bunzel and Uwe Lemm (Eds.), Internationales Jahrbuch der Bettina-von-Arnim-Gesellschaft. Forum für die Erforschung von Romantik und Vormärz 20/21, 59-80.
„’Ich fühlte, daß ich immer auf Glas stand.’ Fremdheit bei Amelie Bölte.“, in: Caroline Bland and Elisa Müller-Adams (Eds.), Schwellenüberschreitungen. Politik in der Literatur von deutschsprachigen Frauen 1780-1918 (Bielefeld), 25p.
‘...daß die Frau zur Frau redet’ – Das Werk der Caroline de la Motte Fouqué als Beispiel weiblicher Literaturproduktion der frühen Restaurationszeit, in: Karl Richter (Ed.), Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft 74 (St. Ingbert: Röhrig)