Prof. Charles Blattberg, PhD
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Charles Blattberg has been developing a political philosophy called 'new patriotism'. Furthermore, he has argued that 'patriotic democracy' is superior to 'deliberative democracy', because:
Blattberg is also critical of the relationship between the state and civil society, as commonly described within discourse on deliberative democracy.
- deliberative democracy uses a systematic set of procedures for conversation which distorts its practice
- deliberative democracy is ideologically biased
- the distinction between conversation and negotiation in deliberative democracy is overstated
- within deliberative democracy the conception of the political community is impoverished
Blattberg is also critical of the relationship between the state and civil society, as commonly described within discourse on deliberative democracy.
Academic Career
Graduation / Academic Degrees
Educated at Toronto, McGill, Université de Sorbonne (Université de Paris I) and Oxford
Current Position(s)
since 2000
Professor of Political Philosophy (tenured June 2004; full professor June 2010) - Université de Montréal
Position(s) Held
2012 - 2013
Lady Davis Visiting Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2005 - 2006
Lady Davis Visiting Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
List of Publications
a) Publications in refereed journals and book publications
b) Other publications
"Gaps: When Not Even Nothing Is There", in: Comparative Philosophy 12:1, Article 6.
"Kierkegaard’s Deep Diversity: The One and the Many", in: Mélissa Fox-Muraton (ed.), Kierkegaard and Issues in Contemporary Ethics (New York/Berlin: Walter de Gruyter), 51-68.
"On Charles Taylor’s ‘Deep Diversity’", in: Ursula Lehmkuhl/Elisabeth Tutschek (eds.), 150 Years of Canada: Grappling with Diversity since 1867 (New York/Münster: Waxmann Verlag), 221-235.
"Patriotism, Local and Global", in: Mitja Sardoc (ed.), Handbook of Patriotism (New York: Springer).
“Taking Politics Seriously”, Philosophy 94:2, 271-94.
“Taking War Seriously”, Philosophy 94:1, 139-160.
“On Charles Taylor’s ‘Deep Diversity’”, in: Ursula Lehmkuhl and Elisabeth Tutschek (eds.), 150 Years of Canada: Grappling with Diversity since 1867 (Münster: Waxmann Verlag GmbH).
“Patriotism, Local and Global”, in: Mitja Sardoc (ed.), Handbook of Patriotism (New York: Springer).
“Dirty Hands: The One and the Many”, The Monist 101:2, 1–20.
“Patriotism, Local and Global”, in: Mitja Sardoc (ed.), Handbook of Patriotism (New York: Springer).
“Pourrions-nous faire mieux que des accommodements raisonnables?”, in: Les professeurs de science politique de l’Université de Montréal, La politique en questions (Montreal: Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal).
"Hannah Arendt as Peter Pan" (published in Chinese), in: Chen Wei (ed.), La pensée politique de Hannah Arendt (en chinois) (Peking: Peking University Press).
"La nation laïque? L'importance de la langue dans la vie des nations" (translated by Gabriel Chagnon and Éléna Choquette), in: Lomomba Emongo/Bob White (eds.), L'interculturel au Québec (Montréal: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal), 193-219.
"Philosophies politiques et idéologies politiques" (translated by Alexandre Pacquin-Pelletier), in: Dalie Giroux / Dimitrios Karmis (eds.), Ceci n’est pas une idée politique. Réflexions sur les approches à l’étude des idées politiques (Laval: Presse de l'Université de Laval), 353-380.
"Une politique du bien commun au Canada est non seulement possible, mais nécessaire", Revue internationale d’études canadiennes 44, 203-212.
Patriotic Elaborations: Essays in Practical Philosophy (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press).
Shall We Dance? A Patriotic Politics for Canada (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press). [French translation: Et si nous dansions ? Pour une politique du bien commun au Canada, translated by Isabelle Chagnon (Montreal: Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2004]
From Pluralist to Patriotic Politics: Putting Practice First (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
b) Other publications
"Review of Laurence Brockliss and Ritchie Robertson (eds.), Isaiah Berlin and the Enlightenment", Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 21/03/2017.