Prof. Dr. Andrea Geier
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Andrea Geier is full professor for German Literature and Gender Studies. Her research interests focus on cultural and literary gender studies, German contemporary literature and discourses of anti-Semitism, gender and alterity in contemporary German drama. In her doctoral thesis, she studied discourses of gender and violence in German prose from the 1980s and 1990s. Since then, she has worked and published extensively on the representation of the 1989 revolution and on memories of the GDR in post-unification German literature, on narratives of identity and alterity as well as on interdependencies of gender and ethnicity. Her research was supported by several scholarships; among others a Max Kade Visiting professorship at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.
Andrea Geier has substantial administrative and teaching experience: After studying German Studies, General Rhetorics and Empirical Culture Studies at the Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen, Andrea Geier worked and taught as Academic Coordinator of the Research Training Group “Ars and Scientia in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Era“ at the University of Tübingen and as Assistant Professor at the Department of German Literature the University of Marburg.
Since 2010, Andrea Geier is Director of the Center for Postcolonial and Gender Studies (CePoG) at the University of Trier which provides a platform for scholarly approaches that critically analyse constructs of national, ethnic and gender identity. The Center initiates and coordinates projects and activities that transgress the constraints of singular disciplines and enables (international) networking and exchange between researchers and institutions in the area of postcolonial and gender studies. Andrea Geier has extensive experience in coordinating interdisciplinary and international research projects as well as in organizing interdisciplinary teaching programmes (e.g. the "Interdisciplinary Gender Studies" certificate and the new Master’s degree course (minor) „Intercultural Gender Studies” at the University of Trier).
Andrea Geier has substantial administrative and teaching experience: After studying German Studies, General Rhetorics and Empirical Culture Studies at the Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen, Andrea Geier worked and taught as Academic Coordinator of the Research Training Group “Ars and Scientia in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Era“ at the University of Tübingen and as Assistant Professor at the Department of German Literature the University of Marburg.
Since 2010, Andrea Geier is Director of the Center for Postcolonial and Gender Studies (CePoG) at the University of Trier which provides a platform for scholarly approaches that critically analyse constructs of national, ethnic and gender identity. The Center initiates and coordinates projects and activities that transgress the constraints of singular disciplines and enables (international) networking and exchange between researchers and institutions in the area of postcolonial and gender studies. Andrea Geier has extensive experience in coordinating interdisciplinary and international research projects as well as in organizing interdisciplinary teaching programmes (e.g. the "Interdisciplinary Gender Studies" certificate and the new Master’s degree course (minor) „Intercultural Gender Studies” at the University of Trier).
Academic Career
Graduate Studies in German Studies, General Rhetorics and Empirical Culture Studies at Eberhard-Karls-University of Tuebingen
Graduation / Academic Degrees
Dr. phil.; Dissertation on ‘Violence’ and ‘Gender’ in 1980s and 1990s German prose
M.A. in German Literature, Eberhard-Karls-University of Tuebingen
Current Position(s)
since 2009
Full Professor of German Literature and Gender Studies at the University of Trier
Position(s) Held
Assistant Professor at the Department of German Literature (Prof. Dr. Thomas Anz) at the University of Marburg
Post-Doc at the Research Training Group “Identity and Difference. Construction of Gender and Interculturalism (18th to 21st century)” at the University of Trier
Academic Coordinator of the Research Training Group “Ars and Scientia in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Era“ at the University of Tuebingen
Relevant (International) Research Experience
Max Kade Visiting Professorship, University of Illinois, USA
„Anderes Theater – Theater des Anderen. Geschlecht und Alterität im postdramatischen Theater“, International conference, University of Trier, organized with Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nina Birkner (University of Jena) and Dr. Urte Helduser (University of Marburg / Zentrum für Gender Studies und feministische Zukunftsforschung).
„Tabu – Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Denkfigur zwischen Repression und Produktion“. International Conference organized with Dr. Dietmar Till (University of Tübingen) and Dieter R. Bauer (Referat Geschichte der Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart) in Stuttgart-Hohenheim.
“Literatur der Generationen? Trends im Erzählen seit 1990”. International Conference organized by the Marburger Literaturforum e.V. (Dr. Andrea Geier and Dr. Jan Süselbeck) and the town of Marburg.
“Verhandeln, Verwandeln, Verwirren. Interdependenzen von Ethnizität und Geschlecht.” Conference organized by the graduate school “Identity and Difference. Construction of Gender and Interculturalism (18th to 21st century)”, University of Trier.
Major Research Grants, Scholarships and Awards
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Research Training Group „Identity and Difference. Construction of Gender and Interculturalism (18th to 21th Century)“ at the University of Trier
Doctoral Fellowship, Research Training Group „Pragmatisierung/Entpragmatisierung. Literatur als Spannungsfeld autonomer und heteronomer Bestimmungen“, University of Tuebingen
Memberships and other relevant Activities
"New Perspectives in a Postrace World? Interrogating Critical Whiteness Studies / Neue Perspektiven in einer postrassistischen Welt? Fragen an die Kritische Weißseinsforschung", Internationale CePoG-Tagung an der Universität Trier, organized with Dr. Eva Bischoff (Trier)
since 201
Director of Program MA „Intercultural Gender Studies“
since 2010
Chair of the Center of Postcolonial and Gender Studies at the University of Trier
Chair of the Marburger Forum for Literature (Marburger Literaturforum e.V.)
Administrator of the Deutsche Germanistenverband (1. Chairman Prof. Dr. Thomas Anz)
List of Publications
a) Publications in refereed journals and book publications
b) Other publications
Spielräume des Anderen. Geschlecht und Alterität im postdramatischen Theater. Hrsg. zus. mit Nina Birkner und Urte Helduser. Bielefeld: Transcript.
(co-edited with Jochen Strobel) Deutsche Lyrik in 30 Beispielen, München: Fink Verlag.
(co-edited with Jan Süselbeck) Konkurrenzen, Konflikte, Kontinuitäten. Generationenfragen in der Literatur seit 1990, Goettingen: Wallstein.
(co-edited with Ursula Kocher) Wider die Frau. Zu Geschichte und Funktion misogyner Rede, Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau.
Gewalt und Geschlecht. Diskurse in deutschsprachiger Prosa der 1980er und 1990er Jahre. Tübingen: Francke.
b) Other publications
Der Kolonialisierungs-Diskurs in der Literatur nach 1990, in: Inge Stephan/Alexandra Tacke (Eds.), NachBilder der Wende, Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau, 70-83.
Training of Young Researchers
Dissertations Currently Supervised
Béatrice Hilger: Transgenerationelle Erinnerungsdiskurse über die NS-Zeit im deutschen Familienroman nach der Jahrtausendwende. 2011 (Magisterarbeit)
Kathrin Hoffmann: Frauenautobiographien des 19. Jahrhunderts. 2011 (Magisterarbeit)
Sabrina Stephanie Hahm: Die Darstellung der Frau in der Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Die Vormärz-Autorinnen und das Werk von George Sand. 2011 (Magisterarbeit))
Julia Katharina Zang: Geschlechterkonstruktionen in Romanen von Autorinnen um 1800 (Mereau, Wobeser, Fischer). 2011 (Magisterarbeit)
Sam Wolf: Jud Süß: Vergleich einer literarischen Figur bei Wilhelm Hauff und Veit Harlan. 2010 (Master of Arts)
Kathrin Hoffmann: Frauenautobiographien des 19. Jahrhunderts. 2011 (Magisterarbeit)
Sabrina Stephanie Hahm: Die Darstellung der Frau in der Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Die Vormärz-Autorinnen und das Werk von George Sand. 2011 (Magisterarbeit))
Julia Katharina Zang: Geschlechterkonstruktionen in Romanen von Autorinnen um 1800 (Mereau, Wobeser, Fischer). 2011 (Magisterarbeit)
Sam Wolf: Jud Süß: Vergleich einer literarischen Figur bei Wilhelm Hauff und Veit Harlan. 2010 (Master of Arts)