Dr. Alex Demeulenaere
Phone | 0651/201-2217 |
Fax | 0651/201-3929 |
demeulen@uni-trier.de | |
Homepage | https://www.uni-trier.de/?id=14232 |
Alex Demeulenaere is Lecturer (Akademischer Rat) for romance languages and literatures. He has published on (post)colonial and (post)national literatures in francophone cultures (France/Belgium/Africa/Canada), translation studies, travel narrative, literary theory (Said/de Certeau). In his dissertation, he used the framework discourse analysis and enunciation studies to analyse the narrative ethos and the construction of scientific credibility in French colonial travel narratives. His current research uses further developments within the same framework (posture littéraire, Meizoz) which enable a diachronic case study of national and post-national Québec literature. His research is interdisciplinary on the methodological (linguistics/literature/history) as well as the thematic (Canada/Belgium/France) level.
As a research assistant, he was a member of the international research group “LITRA (Literature and Trauma)”, Universiteit Gent (Gent). Today, as a lecturer, he is member of the multidisciplinary research group “Ecritures”, Université de Lorraine (Metz) and also of the GKS (Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien).
He has built a large teaching experience in Belgian and German universities and is currently in charge of introductory courses on a BA level and of thematic courses on both BA and MA level, in which he focuses on comparative cultural and literary themes. He has also organised a multidisciplinary seminar on Belgian literature and culture in cooperation with Prof. Vatter (Universität des Saarlandes).
As a research assistant, he was a member of the international research group “LITRA (Literature and Trauma)”, Universiteit Gent (Gent). Today, as a lecturer, he is member of the multidisciplinary research group “Ecritures”, Université de Lorraine (Metz) and also of the GKS (Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien).
He has built a large teaching experience in Belgian and German universities and is currently in charge of introductory courses on a BA level and of thematic courses on both BA and MA level, in which he focuses on comparative cultural and literary themes. He has also organised a multidisciplinary seminar on Belgian literature and culture in cooperation with Prof. Vatter (Universität des Saarlandes).
Academic Career
1994 - 1998
Graduate Studies at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Leuven) and Université du Pays de Vaucluse (Avignon) in Romance languages and literatures
2000 - 2006
Doctoral Studies at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Leuven) in Romance languages and literatures
Graduation / Academic Degrees
Ph.D. in Romance languages and literatures; Dissertation title “Le récit de voyage français en Afrique noire (1830-1931). Essai de scénographie"
M.A. in Romance Languages and Literatures
Current Position(s)
since 2007
Lecturer (as "Akademischer Rat" since 2012) for Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Trier
Position(s) Held
2005 - 2007
Research Assistant at the Department of French Studies, University of Gent
1998 - 2005
Research Assistant at the Department of Literary Studies, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Relevant (International) Research Experience
2009 - 2012
Chapter coordinator (Le récit de voyage) in the ANR-Project “Histoire de la traduction au 19e siècle,” (forthcoming)
In cooperation with Dr. Christine Felbeck and Prof. Dr. Lidia Becker: “Forum Junge Romanistik 2009,” Universität Trier
In cooperation with Dr. Tania Manca and Dr. Eduardo Moya: “Borders and Crossings/Seuils et Traverses 2007,” International Conference, Université de la Sorbonne/Università di Sassari
Major Research Grants, Scholarships and Awards
Faculty Enrichment Program Grant (ICCS), Université de Ottawa/UQAM
Doctoral Publication Grant awarded by the Fondation Universitaire de Belgique
List of Publications
a) Publications in refereed journals and book publications
(edited with Manca, Tania) Le voyage dans tous ses états. Les espaces viatiques des sciences à l'image. Sassari.
"Le Montréal postnational dans Nikolski de Nicolas Dickner", in: Anne-Yvonne Julien (ed.), Littérature québécois et acadienne contemporaine. Au prisme de la ville (Rennes: PUR. 125-138.
"Des nationalismes comparables? Le rôle de la langue et de la littérature dans les nationalismes québécois et wallon", in: Rodriguez, Liliane and Lapierre, André (ed.), D'est en ouest: la variation géolinguistique du français au Canada (Winnipeg: PUSB) 297-312.
"Ceci n’est pas de la littérature. Places de la fiction dans Terre d’ébène et 'l’heure du nègre'", ElFe XX-XXI 3, 41-54. Sommaire en ligne.
“Géographie et aventure. Ruptures de paradigme dans les récits de voyage de Caillié et Douville”, Cahiers suisses de littérature générale et comparée 42, 171‐190.
“Paul Nizan et la représentation de l’URSS pendant l’entre‐deux‐guerres”, An@lyses 6:3, 278‐306.
“Le retour en Afrique. Voyage et mémoire chez Le Clézio et Joris”, Etudes littéraires 42:1, 117‐129.
(co-authored with Pascal Hadermann): “Perfectionnement de la compétence écrite en langue étrangère: littératie et environnement d’apprentissage informatisé”, Le langage et l'homme 48:1, 163‐174.
“Heart of Darkness dans le récit de voyage colonial belge (Simenon, Picard)”, in: Kathleen Gyssels/Bénedicte Ledent (eds.), Présence africaine en Europe et au‐delà (Paris: L'Harmattan), 65‐82.
(co-edited with Lidia Becker/Christine Felbeck) Grenzgänger & Exzentriker. Beiträge zum XXV. Forum Junge Romanistik in Trier (03.‐ 06. Juni 2009) (München: Martin Meidenbauer Verlag).
(co-edited with Steven Engels/Jan Hermann) Littératures en contact. Mélanges offerts à Vic Nachtergaele (Leuven: Leuven University Press).
Training of Young Researchers
Dissertations Currently Supervised
Weich, Kathrin, “Le postmodernisme dans l’oeuvre d’Amélie Nothomb“ (BA-Arbeit, September 2011)