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Musical Performance by Laura Loewen and Allen Harrington

As Part of the Bi-Annual Partnership Conference between the University of Manitoba and the University of Trier, 12 May, 2022 6-7 pm
As part of the bi-annual partnership conference between the University of Manitoba and the University of Trier, pianist Laura Loewen and saxophonist Allen Harrington from the University of Manitoba will give a concert presenting selected pieces relating to the conference topic of migration. The Covid regulations of the University of Trier apply. Admission free! For further information, please contact Ralf Hertel (hertel@uni-trier.de) or Diana Thiesen (thiesen@uni-trier.de)

WHEN 12 May, 2022 at 6-7 pm
WHERE Audimax, Universität Trier
Logo Universität Trier Logo Université Montréal Logo Universität des Saarlandes