Prof. Dr. Stefan Köngeter

Phone | +41 58 257 41 11 | | |
Current Position | Director of the Institute for Social Work and Social Spaces IFSAR Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST) |
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Stefan Köngeter’s research program comprises a broad range of topics in social pedagogy, social work and sociology: child and youth care, professionalization of social pedagogy and social work, transnationalization of welfare knowledge, transition to adulthood, history of the settlement house movement, ethnography, relational social theories. He has published extensively on the professionalization of social pedagogy. His monograph on relationality in child and youth care (“Relationale Professionalität“), in particular, received recognition from the professional community. The edited volume on “Transnational Agency and Migration“, published with Routledge in 2015, is one of the first volumes that focuses on the question of how the transnationalization of the social world affects the agency of transnational migrants. An edited volume on “Transnational Social Policy” will be published with Routledge in the fall of 2016. He is currently supervising 20 Master's theses and 2 doctoral students.
Stefan Köngeter has a large network of research contacts within the European Association of Social Work Research. He is currently the convener of the special interest group of social work, research, and history within this network. He is also part of the international research cluster Transnational Social Support with various collaborations on a broad range of topics that are connected to the interdisciplinary research field of transnational studies. His expertise will inform the IRTG’s discussions especially in research area 2 and 3. His research about the “translation” of knowledge between different cultural contexts will add an important social scientific perspective to our work in the field of translation studies.
Stefan Köngeter has a large network of research contacts within the European Association of Social Work Research. He is currently the convener of the special interest group of social work, research, and history within this network. He is also part of the international research cluster Transnational Social Support with various collaborations on a broad range of topics that are connected to the interdisciplinary research field of transnational studies. His expertise will inform the IRTG’s discussions especially in research area 2 and 3. His research about the “translation” of knowledge between different cultural contexts will add an important social scientific perspective to our work in the field of translation studies.
Academic Career
Sociology, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Educational Sciences, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Graduation / Academic Degrees
Habilitation at Universität Hildesheim
Dr. phil. at Universität Hildesheim
Magister Artium of Sociology (equivalent to a Masters level), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Diploma of Educational Sciences (equivalent to a Masters level), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Current Position(s)
since 2018
Co-Director of the Institute for Social Work and Professor at the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST), Switzerland
Position(s) Held
Professor of Social Pedagogy at the Department of Education, Universität Trier
Senior Lecturer at the Universität Hildesheim, Institute for Social Pedagogy and Organization Studies
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work – Research Grant of the Canadian Bureau for International Education, Canada
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Universität Hildesheim – Member of the DFG-Research Training Group “Transnational Social Support”
Research Fellow at the Institute for Social Pedagogy and Organization Studies, Universität Hildesheim
Research Fellow at the German section of FICE (Fédération Internationale des Communautés Educatives)
Research Fellow at the Institute for Educational Science – Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Relevant (International) Research Experience
Forum Pädagogische Organisationsforschung - Pre-Conference of the Annual Conference of Organisational Pedagogy in Cologne, Germany
International Workshop: Post-Secondary Education after Care (together with the project team "Higher Education without Family Support" at Schloss Marbach, financed by the Jacobs Stiftung)
International Workshop “Reimagining social policy toward transnational social support”, York University (Toronto, Canada) (in collaboration with Prof. Luann Good Gingrich and others)
Bundestagung Heimerziehung (in collaboration with Prof. Dr. W. Schröer, Dr. M. Zeller and in cooperation with the topic oriented group Heimerziehung of the IGfH)
Hildesheim Open University “Crossing Borders” (in collaboration with Dr. W. Smith, Prof. Dr. C. Derichs, Prof. Dr. W. Schröer, N. Tettschlag and A. Steinert)
International Symposium “Transnational Social Support” at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (in collaboration with K. Klein and Prof. Dr. C. Schweppe)
International Meeting of the Research Network “Transition to Adulthood of Young People Leaving Public Care” in Hildesheim (in collaboration with M. Zeller and Prof. Dr. W. Schröer)
Conference “Auf unsicherem Terrain – Ethnographische Forschung im Kontext des Bildungs- und Sozialwesens” (“Navigating Uncertain Terrain – Ethnographical Research in social and educational sciences” in Kassel (in collaboration with Prof. Dr. F. Heinzel, Prof. Dr. W. Thole and Prof. Dr. P. Cloos)
Major Research Grants, Scholarships and Awards
since 2015
Learning as Intervention: A new Approach to Residential Care for Children and Youth. International PI: Prof. Kiaras Gharabaghi, CI in Germany (189.908 CAD)
since 2014
“Where Academia and Policy Meets” – An international research project on the engagement of social work academics in social policy. International project coordination: Prof. J. Gal and Prof. I. Weiss-Gal, CI in Germany (no funding)
since 2014
“Trans|Wissen” - Übersetzung von Wissen in transnationalen Kontexten. Network Coordinator (PI), German Research Foundation (32.313€)
since 2012
“Transnational Academic Careers in Child and Youth Care Research (TACHYwe)” Tempus IV-Programme, CI (950.000€)
“Higher Education without Family Support - An International Pilot Scheme on Educational Disadvantages Among Care Leavers”, PI together with Prof. Dr. W. Schröer
Reimagining social policy toward transnational social support – Workshop Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada, PI: L. Good Gingrich (43.500 CAD)
Nach der stationären Erziehungshilfe – Care Leaver in Deutschland – Stiftung Jugendmarke, together with W. Schröer and M. Zeller (160.000€)
Higher Education without Family Support - An International Pilot Scheme on Educational Disadvantages Among Care Leavers – PI in Germany. Funding by Jacobs Foundation, CH (188.000€)
"Eine Ethnographie des pädagogischen Alltags in urbanen Kinderdörfern“ – PI, Funding SOS-Kinderdorf e.V. (30.850€)
Memberships and other relevant Activities
Co-Editor of Journal Transnational Social Review
Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)
Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE)
Member of European Social Work Research Association (ESWRA)
Convener of Special Interest Group on Social Work, History, and Research of ESWRA
Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)
Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE)
Member of European Social Work Research Association (ESWRA)
Convener of Special Interest Group on Social Work, History, and Research of ESWRA
List of Publications
a) Publications in refereed journals and book publications
b) Other publications
(co-authored with Katharina Mangold, Tehila Refaeli, Anat Zeira) “Continuity and Discontinuity in the Transition from Care to Adulthood“, British Journal of Social Work 47:2, 325-342. [doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcw016]
(co-authored with Itzhak Lander) "Do All Roads Lead to Rome? Teaching Social Work Transnationally", Reflections: Narratives of professional helping 22:2, 57-66.
(co-edited with Luann Good Gingrich) Transnational Social Policy. Social Support in a World on the Move (London: Routledge).
(co-authored with Luann Good Gingrich) "Social Exclusion and Social Welfare: Within, Across, and In-Between Nation-State Boundaries", in: Luann Good Gingrich/Stefan Köngeter (eds.), Transnational Social Policy: Social Welfare in a World on the Move (London: Routledge), 265-286.
"Surveilling and Surveying Slums. The transnational translation of the city as a social problem", in: Luann Good Gingrich/Stefan Köngeter (eds.), Transnational Social Policy: Social Welfare in a World on the Move(London: Routledge), 21-42.
(co-authored with Luann Good Gingrich) "Transnational Social Policy and Social Work: An Introduction", in: Luann Good Gingrich/Stefan Köngeter (eds.), Transnational Social Policy: Social Welfare in a World on the Move(London: Routledge), 1-18.
(co-authored with Katharina Mangold and Benjamin Strahl) Bildung zwischen Heimerziehung und Schule. Ein vergessener Zusammenhang (Weinheim: Juventa).
(co-edited with Wendy Smith) Transnational Agency and Migration. Actors, Movements and Social Support (London: Routledge).
(co-authored with Adrienne S. Chambon and Marjorie Johnstone) “The Circulation of Knowledge and Practices across National Borders in the Early Twentieth Century: a Focus on Social Reform Organisations”, European Journal of Social Work 18:4, 495-510.
(co-authored with Christian Reutlinger) “Community Connections - Die Vielstimmigkeit der transatlantischen Community-Orientierung zwischen 1890 und 1940”, Neue Praxis 44:5, 455-477.
(co-authored with Wolfgang Schröer) “Variations of Social Pedagogy – Explorations of the Transnational Settlement Movement”, Education Policy Analysis Archive 21:42 [].
(co-edited with Luann Good Gingrich) “Transnational Social Policy: Families and Care”, Special Issue: Transnational Social Review 3:2.
(co-edited with Adrienne S. Chambon) “Researching Transnationalism in Social Work”, Special Issue: Transnational Social Review 2.
(co-edited with Stephan Wolff) “Doing Ethnographical Research on Transnationalism”, Transnational Social Review 2:1, 47-64.
(co-edited with Adrienne S. Chambon) “Researching Transnationalism in Social Work. Variations, Innovations, and Researchers’ Locations”, Transnational Social Review 2:1, 7-10.
(co-edited with Friederike Heinzel, Werner Thole and Peter Cloos) 'Auf unsicherem Terrain': Ethnographische Forschung im Kontext des Bildungs- und Sozialwesens (Wiesbaden: VS für Sozialwissenschaften).
“Der methodologische Nationalismus der Sozialen Arbeit in Deutschland”, Zeitschrift für Sozialpädagogik 7:4, 340-359.
b) Other publications
“Transnationales Wissen in der Geschichte der Sozialen Arbeit – Zur Bedeutung religiöser Verbindungen für die grenzüberschreitende Verbreitung der Settlement-Bewegung [Transnational Knowledge in the History of Social Work – The Importance of Religious Connections in the Transnational Settlement-movement]“, in: Désirée Bender et al. (eds.), Transnationales Wissen und Soziale Arbeit (Weinheim: Juventa), 80-97.
“‘The immigrant problem‘ – Transnationale Problemkonstruktionen in der Settlement-Haus-Bewegung“, in: Andreas Herz/Claudia Olivier (eds.), Transmigration und Soziale Arbeit - theoretische Herausforderungen und gesellschaftliche Praxis (Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren), 21-44.
“Paradoxes of transnational production of knowledge in social work”, in: Adrienne S. Chambon et al. (eds.), Transnational Social Support (London: Routledge), 187-210.
“Die Soziale Arbeit auf dem Weg zu einer internationalen Identität?”, in: Hans Thiersch/Rainer Treptow (eds.), Zur Identität der Sozialen Arbeit. Positionen und Differenzen in Theorie und Praxis, Special Issue: neue praxis 10, 132-135.
(co-authored with Werner Thole, Peter Cloos and Burkhard Müller) “Ethnographie der Performativität pädagogischen Handelns. Zu den Möglichkeiten, die Konstitutionsbedingungen sozialpädagogischer Handlungsfelder zu erkunden“, in: Gertrud Oelerich/Hans-Uwe Otto (eds.), Empirische Forschung und Soziale Arbeit: Ein Studienbuch (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften), 115-137.
(co-authored with Florian Eßer) “Transdisziplinäre Ethnographie. Reflexionen zu einer empirischen Studie in der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit“, in: Christine Riegel et al. (eds.), Transdisziplinäre Jugendforschung (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften), 181-200.
Training of Young Researchers
Dissertations Currently Supervised
Marc Tull: Frühstück und Mittagessen in Elementar- und Primarbereich. Eine ethnographische Studie zur pädagogischen Organisation des Essens in KiTa und Grundschule (since 2014)
Philipp Annen: Biografische Verläufe von jungen Obdachlosen in Deutschland (since 2015)
Marie-Eve Beaulieu: White interactions? Governance practices of public schools in postcolonial Canada (since 2016, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Philipp Annen: Biografische Verläufe von jungen Obdachlosen in Deutschland (since 2015)
Marie-Eve Beaulieu: White interactions? Governance practices of public schools in postcolonial Canada (since 2016, Doctoral Researcher IRTG Diversity)
Finished Dissertations
Alexander Knauf: “Endlich Bachelor – und dann?” – Empirische Bilanzen aus Perspektive der Absolvent*innen des Bachelorstudiengangs “Erziehungswissenschaft” der Universität Trier zu den Zielen des Bologna-Prozesses und ihrem Verbleib (2015)